
Dune (2021)

2 other mistakes - chronological order

(7 votes)

Other mistake: With all the sand blowing around, Paul, Leto, and anyone else not wearing goggles and a face mask (covering nostrils and mouth) should have been affected, but they didn't even have to blink their eyes. (01:05:25)


Other mistake: When the injured woman put her bloody right hand over Leto's left shoulder, her fingers were initially curved around his shoulder then slid down. The bloody handprint (too "neat") ended up being lower on his shirt/lapel than would be expected and there was no blood on top of his shoulder or smear downward, which would be impossible. (01:18:00)


Other mistake: When the injured woman put her bloody right hand over Leto's left shoulder, her fingers were initially curved around his shoulder then slid down. The bloody handprint (too "neat") ended up being lower on his shirt/lapel than would be expected and there was no blood on top of his shoulder or smear downward, which would be impossible. (01:18:00)


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Gaius Helen Mohiam: You've proven you can rule yourself. Now you must learn to rule others, something none of your ancestors learnt.
Paul Atreides: My father rules an entire planet.
Gaius Helen Mohiam: He's losing it.
Paul Atreides: He's getting a richer one.
Gaius Helen Mohiam: He'll lose that one too.

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Trivia: "Spice" - the most important and valuable substance - is produced by sandworm larvae; the substance produced by the larvae is called "melange."


More trivia for Dune

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