Earl Ramsey: Gun control is for wimps and commies. Listen, let's get one thing straight. Guns don't kill people. I do.
Raul Hernandez: For those of you just joining us, today we're teaching poodles how to fly.
George Newman: Lesbian Nazi Hookers Abducted by UFOs and Forced Into Weight Loss Programs... All next week on Town Talk.
Bob: Well... I've got good news and bad news.
George Newman: Tell me the bad news first, get it over with.
Bob: The bad news is, at the rate things are going, my books predict that this station will be flat broke by the end of the month.
George Newman: OUCH! So, what's the good news?
Bob: I lied. There is no good news.
Kuni: Stupid! You're so stupid!
George Newman: You know what? Nobody in this small town appreciates a guy with a good imagination.
Bob: Well, maybe not the people at the lumber yard, or the miniature golf course, or Floyd's Fish Market, or any of the other places you worked in the last... Month.
Stanley Spadowski: Friends, there comes a time in every man's life when he has to look the potato of injustice right in the eye.
George Newman: You gotta grab life by the lips and YANK as hard as you can.
Bob: I don't know about this, George. We don't know the first thing about what goes on in a television station.
George Newman: Don't worry, Bob. It's just like working in a fish-market. Except you don't have to clean and gut fish all day.
Crazy Ernie: If nobody comes down here and buys a car in the next hour, I'm gonna club this baby seal. That's right! I'm gonna club this seal to make a better deal. You know I'll do it, too, cause I'm crazy.
George Newman: I need a drink.
Bob: You don't drink.
George Newman: Yeah, but I've been meaning to start.
Suggested correction: They were selling stock at the telethon to those in the crowd. At $10 a share, they only needed to sell 7500 shares, and who is to say people didn't buy multiple?
Because they had $75,000 in CASH that night, if they sold 7500 $10 shares to the crowd at the station in order to raise that cash, then the people who pledged their money over the phone and who could not or did not go to the site at the end of the telethon have been cheated out of their money. Lawsuits are coming up.
Not necessarily. Nowhere does it say that they were selling ONLY 7500 shares. That was what they needed to raise the $75,000, but it doesn't mean that was the hard limit. Those pledging over the phone would still get their shares.
If they didn't give anyone any money, they couldn't be cheated out of their money.
Suggested correction: There's nothing to suggest the people on the phone were paying by cheque over the phone. They made their pledge over the phone but came in person to pay in cash and to pick up the stock. That's why there was such a big crowd of people in attendance with cash in hand.