Factual error: It is later revealed that Detective Banks partner faked his death by killing a meth-head junkie with the same tattoo as him. He included the junky's filleted skin with the same tattoo in a box with his badge to make it look like the other kills. Police, firefighters, first responders all provide DNA into a data bank to be identified in case something tragic happens and their remains are recovered. William Schenk's DNA would not have matched that of what was in the box.
Suggested correction: William knows that the cops will find out that he's not really dead one way or another. After all, he literally confronts Zeke and reveals he's still alive, knowing there's a good chance Zeke wouldn't take his offer to join him. All he's really doing is throwing off the cops and buying himself a few days when they think he's dead. (Since it can take a few days for DNA analysis to happen.) By the time they figure out he's not dead, he'll have already finished his game and disappeared. Which is ultimately what happens... he finishes his final game with Zeke and Marcus, then gets away.