Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Factual error: Trevor was driving ECTO-1 at over 60 mph. Podcast was driving the remote car and it was pulling away from ECTO-1. There is no way that the remote car could be going faster than ECTO-1, unless it was souped up, which it didn't appear to be when looking at it.


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Suggested correction: There are plenty of RC cars on the market right now that anyone could buy that are capable of going 60+ MPH (the fastest can hit about 100 MPH). And if you take them apart, they don't look "souped up" at all. They just look like regular RC cars inside. Components don't have to look fancy to function fancily. You also have to account for the fact that the movie is highly fantastical, so there's no telling what kind of technology the RC car uses... for all we know, it could be nuclear-powered like the proton packs.


Deliberate mistake: When the kids are about to jump start the trap Phoebe hides behind the school bus door. Half a second later, when the trap opens, she's nowhere to be seen, not even jumping or stepping inside the bus. Then half a second later she has managed to get inside, turn around and protect her head while the bus windows burst. It all happens in real time for their hairs are still fluttering. It sure paces up the scene, but it's really awkward.


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Trevor's classmate: What are you doing here in Summerville?
Trevor: Honestly, my mom won't say it, but we're completely broke. And the only thing that's left in our name is this creepy old farmhouse my grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere.

More quotes from Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Trivia: Originally, sequels were planned for the 2016 "Ghostbusters" reboot. However, when the film attracted some controversy and fell short at the box office, plans for the sequels were abandoned. Eventually, an idea was hatched for a direct sequel to the original two films, which became "Ghostbusters: Afterlife."


More trivia for Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Question: When Phoebe is on the phone with Ray, he mentions that the Ghostbusters fire house is now a Starbucks. In the post-credits scene, we see that Winston has purchased the fire house so the Ghostbusters can get back to business, but the fire house looks like it has been abandoned for several years and no other company ever took it over. Did I miss something here?


Answer: Ray was probably being sarcastic, and was simply making a general comment about gentrification in the area.

Answer: Perhaps nobody wanted to take over the place for a few reasons. Historical purpose, high cost... hauntings.?

Answer: It's been 40 years since the Ghostbusters disbanded, Ray mostly likely passed by the old place and saw a Starbucks there. It has since shut down.

But they left the ghost trap active? Not likely.

Brian Katcher

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