Character mistake: There are signs out front as the Spenglers arrive at the dirt farm. One of the signs is a call back to a scene in Ghostbusters 1984. In the scene, Ray quotes the book of Revelation: "And I looked, and he opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake. And the sun turned black as sack cloth, and the moon turned blood." When Finn Wolfhard reads it he misquotes the line saying "The sun became as black as cloth."
Answer: Yes, it is still canon. Director Jason Reitman has confirmed it is, and there are actually lots of easter eggs referencing it in "Afterlife." For example, Ray still has his bookstore from "Ghostbusters II." The "dancing toaster" is in the farmhouse. Etc. They chose not to directly reference it in dialogue since it didn't have much to do with the plot, but there are plenty of hidden details confirming it is still canon. Reitman has also said that there are plans to possibly bring back more plot/characters from "Ghostbusters II" in the future. (It just depends on what direction the sequel ends up going in).