
Question: Why is it that Julie throws a drink in Michael's face? I thought she wanted a guy to say those things to her the night Michael was Dorothy.

Answer: What she said was a fantasy - big difference between saying that in conversation and actually having it said to her.

Thank you.

Question: When this movie was first released in theaters, I vaguely remember a scene where one crewman yelled "go to commercial" and another crewperson said something like "we already had (some big number) commercials, stand-bys..." and other things in the sentence related to a big delay of the show. When this movie was recently on cable, I watched it and never found this scene in it, but remember this in 1982. Was this scene edited out in recent years, or am I mistaking this scene with another movie?

Answer: No I believe that's from the movie.

Factual error: No actor is going to secure a recurring speaking role in a soap opera unless a comprehensive insurance policy has been secured. (This applies to feature films, too.) This will inevitably involve a medical examination. Mr Dorsey's plans are going to become dreadfully unstuck the minute he drops his y-fronts in the doctor's surgery. (No, he can't find a compliant or bribeable doctor - the insurance company will always use their own people.)

More mistakes in Tootsie

Ron Carlisle: Take, Tootsie.
Dorothy Michaels: Ron? I have a name it's Dorothy. It's not Tootsie or Toots or Sweetie or Honey or Doll.
Ron Carlisle: Oh, Christ.
Dorothy Michaels: No, just Dorothy. Alan's always Alan, Tom's always Tom and John's always John. I have a name too. It's Dorothy, capital D-O-R-O-T-H-Y.

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