Plot hole: In the final showdown, when Bond is fighting with Stamper, the girl is wrapped in a chain, hanging from a crane and dropped into the sea. After the boat blows to bits, the chain continues to hang down, even though there's nothing holding it. It even keeps hanging after Bond's swum down to untie her. What's keeping it there? Do all stealth battleships come with buoyant chains? With both arms at least partially free, why doesn't she just climb back up the chain?
Plot hole: One of the most memorable aspects of this movie is the motorcycle/helicopter chase scene. There are machine guns firing hundreds of rounds, there's a motorcycle leaping from rooftop to rooftop, and a large helicopter performing some amazing aerial stunts, then eventually crashing. All of these things happen in a very crowded part of the city. Yet after the crash, Bond and Wei Lin walk from the courtyard area where most of the action has taken place to the street just on the other side of the buildings, and no one seems to have noticed gunfire, the exploding helicopter, etc.
Plot hole: The Devonshire is supposedly only 11 miles from the Chinese coast. If that was the case, the coast would be visible on the radar, and they would know that something was wrong.
Plot hole: The helicopter bike jump was pointless as the helicopter was low down looking for them, not knowing they were in the building - Bond could have turned the bike around and gone back the way they came.
Answer: It's getting dark by this point - Bond and Wai Lin are dressed in black in a dark coloured boat. Anyone looking out of the window would be looking down towards them - they wouldn't be able to pick them out against the sea.
Tailkinker ★