Beauty and the Beast

Continuity mistake: When Belle approaches the West Wing, she sees a door and there is one statue holding candles next to it. However, when Belle runs out, there are statues on both sides.

Continuity mistake: When Lumiere and Cogsworth are persuading Belle not to go into the West Wing, in an overhead shot they're at the center of the red carpet, but in the next they're at the far edge of the carpet.

Continuity mistake: When Gaston is singing "Kill the Beast", he is scaring Lefou. Lefou has a bit of his white shirt visible underneath his coat. When he is climbing backwards up the stairs, this spot has changed to green. When he marches away, the spot is white again.

Continuity mistake: When the villagers burst into the castle using the tree trunk, they put it down in front of the door, but later it's gone.

Continuity mistake: When Maurice is gathering his belongings and says, "Somehow I'll get her out of there.", to the side of the door there is an umbrella and a coat hanging slightly to the right of it. However, when Gaston bursts in, shouting, "Belle? Maurice?" the coat is now hanging directly over the umbrella.

Continuity mistake: Adding to the mistake about the bear rug moving around, it also changes physical form. Sometimes it is a light brown, fat and un-realistic looking. Other times it can be seen as a dark brown/black flat bear which looks very real. This change occurs many times during the scene.

Continuity mistake: When Belle uses Maurice's invention to look outside the door, there is a wooden bolt on the wall. The length of this bolt changes between shots.

Continuity mistake: When the villagers are marching to the castle, in a wide shot Gaston holds the mirror with his left hand, but in the next shot as he yells "We will siege to the castle" it's in his right hand.

Continuity mistake: When Maurice is taking his invention to the fair, there is a covering over the machine with a brown patch on it. But in the shot where Maurice says "It's a shortcut, Phillipe", the patch is now white. Also, when Phillipe comes back to the house later, and Belle takes the machine off him, the patch has disappeared.

Continuity mistake: When Maurice lets Lumiere fall to the floor, the cracks Lumiere is over change between shots.

Continuity mistake: In the newer version on VHS by Disney, including the song 'Human Again', that added scene completely messes with the movie. During the scene the servants clean up the castle and make it pretty and happy. However, when it switches back to the scenes from the original movie, the outside of the castle is no longer clean until the end of the movie and the spell is broken.

Continuity mistake: When Lefou is jumping on peoples' heads singing "You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley" the position of the beer mugs on the table change between shots.

Continuity mistake: When Maurice is walking away from his house the tree next to the house is shaped slightly differently than the in the last shot of the house before that.

Continuity mistake: The brightness of the yellow quivers of Gaston's arrows change during the final scenes. For instance, when he's outside and yells "But remember, the beast is mine!" they are quite dark yellow, but as he puts one in his quiver to shoot the beast, they are bright yellow.

Continuity mistake: When the Beast brings Belle into the library, the axis on the globe goes all the way through. A few seconds later, the globe is shown again, and now the axis only goes halfway up the globe.

Audio problem: When the coathanger plays the violin during the title song, the sounds that are heard don't match him playing it.

Other mistake: After Lefou is stabbed in the butt by Cogsworth, there is no hole in his pants. This is impossible, since the scissors did pierce him.

Gaston: How can you read this? There's no pictures!
Belle: Well, some people use their imagination.

More quotes from Beauty and the Beast

Trivia: Though not revealed in the movie, the Prince's name is Adam. At the New Orleans Disneyworld, the Princess hotel rooms have portraits of each Disney prince. The 'Beauty & the Beast' prince is shown in human form and his name stated underneath as 'Prince Adam.' In addition, the officially licensed Disney Fisherprice 'Little People' sets include 'Belle and Prince Adam.'

More trivia for Beauty and the Beast

Answer: In the prologue, it states that the Beast must find true love by his 21st birthday, and that he had been cursed for ten years, so since his relationship with Belle takes place as the deadline approaches, he must have been 10 when he was cursed.

Answer: He must have been in his teens at least, his portrait that he shreds was not of a 11 year old.

Answer: I think the prince was 11 when he was cursed.

Answer: He is 11. 21 by first love '10 years we've been rusting'. (Be Our Guest). So, he was 11 due to the flower above to lose all petals.

More questions & answers from Beauty and the Beast

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