Other mistake: When Kylo/Ben leaves the Endor system to go to Exogol, he takes an old Imperial TIE Fighter he supposedly found in the Death Star remains. However, it is established in the previous films that that TIE fighters are short range fighters that are not equipped with a hyperdrive.
Other mistake: Rey pilots Luke's X-wing to Exegol from Ahch-to. However, the door to Luke's hut on Ahch-to was seen in TLJ to be an X-wing wing. It is even referenced as such in The Last Jedi visual guide which specifically states it's a wing from Luke's fighter. No way to fly it if it's missing a wing, and when it's lifted out of the water we see it has all its wings intact.
Suggested correction: The novelization explains that Rey repairs the X Wing, saying, "It was old tech, and it had taken some fast thinking and even faster fingers to get it flight worthy - the wing patched with the door to Luke's hut, shield panels scavenged from the TIE wreckage, and a hefty amount of rewiring."
The novelisation fixes the mistake but it remains a mistake in the movies as we see them.
Not everything has to be shown on-screen, Rey and Luke easily could have repaired the X wing.
It was never stated in The Last Jedi that the door was from Luke's X-wing, though... Not once. Nor did the door look like it came from the X-wing, and the X-wing looked intact during the brief shot where we saw it submerged in TLJ. If you need a secondary source to know about the error, it does not qualify as a mistake in The Rise of Skywalker. If anything, it's a mistake in the guide book (that the novelization of TROS tried to fix), not the movie.
Other mistake: The Millennium Falcon crash lands on Kef Bir, leaving a long trail of destruction, supposedly because the landing gear is malfunctioning. However, the Falcon has always had vertical takeoff capability, so even if the landing struts were damaged, there would be no reason for this type of crash landing.
Suggested correction: Since so many things always break down on the ship it's possible the vertical landing capabilities were malfunctioning at that time.
However, the characters specifically mention the malfunctioning landing gear as the reason for the crash landing.
Exactly, they needed the landing gear to land but it malfunctioned, resulting in a crash.
If the vertical landing capabilities were malfunctioning then they wouldn't be able to take off, as they are the same things that help keep the Falcon level in atmosphere and control its yaw and wake in space and also what gives it vertical lift at the point of liftoff. Also, before you suggest it, how would they repair it when they can't even reach them because the ship is sitting on them and buried in sand. Also, the exit to the ship is a ramp underneath the ship, how did they get out?
I never said they had to repair it after crashing. I just said it malfunctioned at that time. Perhaps it was a software issue. As for the specifics on the Falcon's capabilities and exits, same guesswork. I'm sure you can exit the Falcon at other places than just the belly.
A plausible explanation but highly unlikely as it would be a one way trip. The damage caused by a high speed landing and a hard one at that would make the falcon unusable for space flight, the underbelly gun would be ripped off for starters and possible damage to the gunner's window as well and damage to the Hull. Same situation in the force awakens on Starkiller base and in solo. These problems are never addressed or explained but I guess this is the magic of the movies.

Other mistake: During the lightspeed skipping sequence, there is a scene where two Millennium Falcons appear on screen.
Suggested correction: These are mirror spires, a reflective surface. It's not a mistake.
It was confirmed to be a mistake in rendering. The "mirror spires" was made up to try and excuse the error.
No, the director actually said that this was a planet that shows reflections. Because you can see the towers reflected.
Plot hole: While the pair are duelling on Kajimi, Kylo Ren only realises Rey is onboard his ship when the mask of Darth Vader is force-teleported between them. However in this same fight Rey is wielding the dagger, which Kylo must have known was also inside Ren's chambers before the fight. So he should've been able to determine Rey's location earlier.
Suggested correction: While he should have had some idea, it doesn't prove she is in his quarters, only that she has been there. It's also a small item that he may not have noticed in her hand, focusing more on her lightsaber.
Hogwash. He could have easily noticed it, even if he was focused on her lightsaber. Maybe it is small but rather easily noticeable.
I think the biggest point is the mask proves her location whilst the dagger in her hand doesn't.
It's also a weapon. In a combat situation a trained fighter like Kylo would have checked her other hand for a weapon as it is a common tactic to check a swipe with the main blade and stab with an off hand short weapon.
Stupidity: The commando mission to save Chewbacca starts gunning down a few Stormtroopers in the hangar. The heroes then go on leaving the troopers lying down on the floor in front of the ship, in plain view. They don't hide them nor ask the droids (who have enough strength and tools to pull them in) to, in fact they tell them to stay put. No wonder they are found out later (after a ridiculously long amount of time).
Suggested correction: Hiding the bodies would have been a waste of time, anyone who came to the hangar would immediately notice that the guards stationed there were missing and there was now a strange ship parked there.
The droids have all the time in the world, and people just passing by are "more immediately" bound to notice corpses in the middle of a hangar rather than possibly maybe question the fact that you don't see guards in that part of the hangar or investigate the ship - which could approach without anyone taking exception by appearance alone. At least remove the bodies directly in front of the damn ship!
Why would they be more likely to notice dead guards than no guards?
Anyone passing by might well thing the patrols were just out of sync, or a shift change. Sure they might investigate further, but they might not bother. Whereas a couple of dead bodies? Immediate red alert. Worth taking 30 seconds to hide them, surely.
Perhaps, but then it's made irrelevant 1 minute later as Finn and Poe run down a hallway blasting about a dozen stormtroopers.
For that matter, 1 SECOND later they kill stormtroopers in the far part of the hangar. They are killing people all over the ship during their mission and it's not like they hide every single one of them, but they leave two bodies *exactly* in front of their ship (and telling the droids to stay put). You can even see later that there is a stormtrooper with his weapon pointed exactly where those two corpses are, with the 'smart' commanding officer asking "whose ship is this?" at the sight of that. Maybe I am spoiled by a trope here, but it's the first time that I see someone in an action movie leaving corpses right in front of their only escape route/vehicle, that's so counterintuitive. (Did they even have an escape plan, actually? I don't like hypotheticals, but gee, if only she did the Jedi mind trick thing to those 2 guards who came over to inspect the ship instead of doing it later. But I digress).
Other mistake: The remains of the Death Star would not look like that after being blown up and then crashing on to a planet, the remains would be a crumpled mass of metal. The Emperor's throne room was situated on top of a tower which was shown in ROTJ - it would not have survived the destruction or the collision with the planet in the way that we see it.
Suggested correction: The Death Star was built from made up material in a fantasy universe. Its structures can behave differently from things in the real world.
The window frame has a section missing but otherwise is perfectly good, every tiny metal beam didn't deform or break; it would need to have extraordinary physical properties. Every single mechanism is just fine. And that was after a devastating explosion that nearly pulverized everything.
This was a moon sized space station that blew up a planet with a giant ray powered by magic crystals. It already had extraordinary physical properties. (Also, in the new trilogy, we have seen the Falcon banging into things at high speed without much damage, so the movie makers want us to feel that in Star Wars, ships etc are made of stronger material than real life craft).
There is no door/room next to the Emperor's Throne room in ROTJ, and that room is on top of a spire. In TROS the windows are a different size and spaced differently and the outside shot of where the vault room is when looking through the dagger does not resemble the spire at all. Mostly likely this is a different room with a similar throne chair in it. Otherwise, JJ Abrams just super sucks at continuity.
Made up material in a fantasy universe still has to obey universal laws. If it wouldn't have been damaged in the explosion, entering the atmosphere then crash landing or shifted over time on a wet planet then it wouldn't be destroyed by an exploration.
Suggested correction: A TIE fighter would never survive the death star crash. Kylo/Ben probably called for a TIE and took that.
But it's an old Imperial TIE, not a new First Order one.
Jon Sandys ★
Good point.