Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Visible crew/equipment: Right before the big explosion goes off at Cyberdyne, Arnie, John, and Sarah get in an elevator. The camera comes close to the doors as they close, causing it to be reflected in the metal.


Revealing mistake: Right before Sarah fires the second shot at Dyson at his home office, you can see a puff of smoke come from where she is at. The problem is, she doesn't shoot until a second or two after that and no sound is heard. What is the puff of smoke?


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Suggested correction: After the first shot, there is only a brief close-up of Dyson and then one of Sarah before she fires the second shot. There is no smoke coming from her side before she fires the second shot, as that can't be visible. There is some smoke appearing after the second shot though, in the shot with the camera behind the desk and Dyson diving under it. But that's probably electronics flying and exploding from the second shot hitting the computer. A second or 2 later, she opens up full auto.


The puff of smoke is outside.


Other mistake: Near the end, after they enter Cyberdyne, the other guard notices the main guard gone. He goes to the bathroom to find him. "Gibbons, you can't leave the desk like that." The interior door is slightly closing when he opens the main door. How is this possible?


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Suggested correction: That's explainable by air pressure from opening the outer door causing the inner door to move. They don't have handles and only have to be pushed open so they can be moved by air pressure.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The T-1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone. (01:56:35)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where the Terminator and the T-1000 are fighting in the corridors of The Galleria, the Terminator has fired multiple shots at the T-1000. When he gets up off the floor, the Terminator throws him into the left wall and the impact hole is already visible before he hits. (00:31:45)


Factual error: The truck that the T-1000 uses to try and run down John in the overspill, is a Freightliner FLA 9664, which uses a diesel engine - it does not use petrol. Diesel is much harder to combust in comparison to petrol/gasoline, and the spark from the battery cables on the spilt diesel would absolutely never ignite under those circumstances. (00:37:55)


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the T-1000 is driving the truck, he drives off a bridge and the windshield pops off, but in the next scene the windshield is back. (00:33:45)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where John, Sarah, and The Terminator are in the Cyberdyne building. They have just come down in the lift into the lobby where the SWAT team are waiting and firing gas cylinders. Arnie says his "I'll be back" and walks out of the lift. The SWAT team issue various instructions, then say "OK - drop him!". Now - look carefully. The second they start to fire, look at the SWAT member who is furthest to the left and standing up. If you look right by his shoulder as soon as they start firing, what looks like a crew member walks into the scene, with his hands in his pockets. (01:58:51)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the T1000 is chasing John, Sarah and the T800 out of the hospital, the license plate on the cop car changes several times: from 999273 when we first see it to 999232 when it actually stops, then to 999001 after it jumps the grass verge, then from 999013 when it starts going straight, to 999018 when the T-1000 latches onto it. (01:00:50)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the Terminator's arm is caught in the wheel and he rips his own arm off and stands up, if you look closely (slow motion can help, but isn't essential) you can see his real arm stretched behind his back under his leather jacket. (02:09:30)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: If you watch carefully when the T-1000 has driven off the bridge in the truck, you can see the suspension and steering gear collapse and shift (severely) to the driver's right. A moment later, the alignment is perfect. (00:33:45)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the Terminator is trying to save John from the T-1000 in the truck, he makes the jump. If you look at his face and hair while he's airborne, you can see it's a stunt double (Peter Kent). The Terminator stunt double is also obvious in other shots throughout the film. (00:35:40)

Continuity mistake: The scene where John and his buddy hack into the ATM and get cash, John is telling his friend his mother is a psycho. Watch closely as John puts on his backpack twice. (00:17:50)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Sarah Connor shoots Dyson in his house, it pans back and forth from him to her. In each shot of Dyson in his living room, the magazines on the coffee table are scattered, then stacked, then scattered again. Also, if you look at the blood on his shoulder, it is very heavy in one shot and very scarce in the next. (01:33:55)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the T-1000 drives his bike throught the glass of the Cyberdyne Systems building to get onto the helicopter, the windshield falls off. When you see it drop to the ground, it's still attached to the bike. (01:56:20)

Factual error: There is absolutely no way the Police would send a helicopter to a crime scene with only the pilot on board. He has to fly the helicopter close to buildings, trees, power lines, and he may come under fire or have to manoeuvre out of any one of a number of crisis situations, and fast. He cannot possibly serve as an observer or pass on situation reports as well as controlling his aircraft. The fact that they needed an empty seat for the T-1000 is no excuse; he would have an observer on board with him. (01:50:15)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the bar scene, the Terminator is stabbed in the chest. You can see that he gets stabbed exactly above his right nipple. A few shots later, when he goes in the kitchen to get the biker's keys, the cut with blood dripping appears on his ribcage far below the nipple. (00:08:20)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the T-800 and the T-1000 have their first shootout in the mall, John Connor begins to run down a series of stairs to get to his dirtbike. Every time he passes a door it reads the level he's currently on. You will see he passes level 2 twice. (00:31:40)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Terminator is riding the Harley chasing Young John Conner, John is down in the reservoir and the Terminator is up on the ledge, as he approaches the end of the wall, through the Terminator's point of view on the bike you see the wall end, it clearly extends to a point, on the very next scene as he makes the jump the point has all of a sudden gone from a point to a squared off edge. Obviously the jump would have been a disaster if the edge was pointed. (00:35:30)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Sarah has just shot Dyson and she is crying against the wall, John comes up to her and starts hugging her. Every time the scene changes back to the hugging, look at John's watch. The time changes every time. (01:35:20)

Dr. Silberman: You broke my arm!
Sarah Connor: There's 215 bones in the human body. That's one.

More quotes from Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Trivia: While the characters were running around a hot steel mill, in reality the temperatures in the mill averaged only about 40° Fahrenheit. The actors had to be consistently spritzed with water to make it look like they were sweating.


More trivia for Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Chosen answer: He's initially playing Missile Command, then he goes to play After Burner.


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