Trivia: The original manga was released in western territories as "Battle Angel Alita." The title of the film swapped the words around so they read "Alita: Battle Angel." Producer James Cameron reportedly did this because he felt it sounded more dramatic and also because they could then use the "Alita" name for potential sequels. (Ex. He mentioned a sequel could be called "Alita: Fallen Angel" or "Alita: Avenging Angel.") A producer attached to the film also half-jokingly suggested that Cameron swapped the words around because almost all of his films have titles that begin with either "A" or "T."
Trivia: Michelle Rodriguez has a cameo as Gelda, who is fighting along with Alita in her flashbacks, and Edward Norton has a cameo as Nova, Alita's main enemy on Zalem.
Trivia: James Cameron originally intended to direct the film, and began work on it way back in 1995. He kept pushing it back, as he felt the technology to make the film hadn't been perfected yet, and also because he became attached to several other projects in the meantime. Eventually, Cameron relinquished the director's seat to Robert Rodriguez and instead focused on writing and producing the film. The film was finally released in 2019... twenty-four years after Cameron started work on it.