Continuity mistake: During the whole sequence when Alita wakes up in bed, in the closer shots the blanket directly by her pelvis is on top of the mattress, while in the shots from a wider angle part of the blanket dangles off the side. (00:04:00)

Continuity mistake: Alita just woke up at the beginning of the movie. When she sneaks downstairs checking out of the unfamiliar location, she suddenly has her hand on the railing between shots. (00:05:30)
Continuity mistake: Alita and Dr. Ido talk in front of the sign of his clinic, and he gives her a name; during the back and forth of their dialogue, the passersby do not transfer between any shot and their reverse angle: they simply disappear (unlike for instance what happens behind the nurse with a purple shirted guy who shows up coherently turning a corner). (00:08:50)
Continuity mistake: In the first part of the walk through the streets of Iron City, many times the various passersby disappear and appear between shots - just look at the first cut, and how a punk dude is suddenly in front of Alita while they fail to pass by the bicycle lady that was going towards them. (00:09:15)

Continuity mistake: After Alita slides away from the Centurion, dog in hand, she freezes in the pose at the side of the road. To her left, witnessing the scene there's a woman wearing sandals and some rasta patterned pants. She is standing by the corner of the sidewalk, but when we see her after a brief reaction shot on Hugo, she is standing super close, literally in Alita's shadow (they both shifted away from the corner, technically). (00:11:15)
Continuity mistake: Alita and Hugo are talking; he just told her clumsily that she's heavy, and asks to see her hand. You can see walk past Alita a group of punks, but the same punks are also checking out of the stalls behind Hugo, with their colored purple and green mohawks visible in the background. (00:11:55)
Continuity mistake: At their first encounter, Hugo asks "Did Doc Ido do it?" checking out an upturned hand, which becomes downturned right at the cut. (00:12:03)

Continuity mistake: Ido and his ex-wife are walking on a relatively narrow bridge with stalls on one side. When she says "clearly" to him admitting he did not destroy the body, a man with a backpack literally disappears between shots as he was walking past a woman in a white and blue shirt. (00:16:00)

Continuity mistake: During the sequence when Alita manages to get her revenge on Tanji, look when she is coming out of the curve with enough speed to be able to tackle him. In between shots the crowd behind the ramp has completely changed, with some bearded guy and a dude with a panama appearing out of nowhere, to mention just the most obvious. (00:19:40)

Continuity mistake: When Alita decks Tanji, he faceflops past a manhole. In the reaction shot that follows, Tanji is suddenly by the manhole, and the lighting of the scene is totally different from before. (00:19:45)

Continuity mistake: In the battle with Grewishka and the other two murderous cyborgs, Ido loses his scythe that falls down with the sharp edge pointed towards his right. When Nyssiana disrobes, though, the scythe is turned the other way incorrectly, with the pointy end on the opposite side and the burner on the right. (00:28:15 - 00:29:00)
Continuity mistake: When Alita, enraged by Ido's refusal to connect her with the body, smashes the metal cart, in the shot from above various vials and a roll of bandage are tilted and tipped, but in the side view the vials do not appear and the roll is still perfectly vertical. (00:53:50)
Continuity mistake: Alita sends Zapan face-first into a wood table when he grabs her by the throat. When the section of the table breaks, a bowl with snacks is still on it. When Zapan reacts, the bowl is gone. (01:00:05)

Continuity mistake: As Alita punches Zapan and dispossesses him of his weapon, the large sword, in a rather unbelievable bit of CGI, flies off the side between two patrons at the table. Unless we assume a pinball-like bouncing trajectory, you can't explain how it ends up being back directly in front of Alita for her cool kick toss a moment after. (01:00:20)

Continuity mistake: Grewishka makes his grand entrance inside the bar: as a poor schmuck asks "What's happened to him?", a guy in the background is sitting, but in the shot immediately after, he's standing and only after a moment he slowly sits down. (01:01:30)
Continuity mistake: As Alita has disposed of quite a few Hunters, the female called Screwhead and some black dude next to her with a yellow arm are shown in a closeup standing from their seats and prepare to intervene. But if you look back just a few seconds before at the beginning of the fight, Yellow Arm Dude was one of the first Alisha kicked to the curb, and Screwhead was standing already, blade in hand. (01:01:35)
Continuity mistake: When Grewishka smashes through the floor of Kansas (the bar, that is) you can spot at the right side a couple of tables very close to the crater. When Alita follows him a moment later, the light table frame is even closer despite the hole being stable and nobody moving. (01:05:25)
Continuity mistake: The freshly rebuilt Alita enters stage right with a jump by Hugo. Landing, there's a person walking across the archway who disappears when Alita is standing up from the crouching position. (01:13:50)

Continuity mistake: In the unfortunate outcome of the encounter with Zapan in the alley, Tanji lies on the floor in two completely different ways. (01:27:20)
Continuity mistake: During the game, Alita disposes of the black cyborg guy with the yellow paint, the same one she met at Kansas. She rips his arm off and uses it to spike the head of the colossal dude with the morning star-like weapon. You could see as the arm was being ripped, that debris and a big metallic piece of scrap were left behind. However, when the 2 next opponents are skating towards Alita making her take off fast, there is no such trace of debris beside the whole body of the guy. (01:33:00)