Factual error: When Stallone pulls over the cocaine tanker, his first shot at the truck is impossibly accurate at about 300 yards with a two inch barrel revolver, which has a functional range of 25-50 yards. (00:05:00)
Continuity mistake: When we first see Jack Palance, his arm is resting on the very darkly tinted glass of an open car window. In the next shot the window is closed and all the glass is cloudy so that you can't see through it and it is much lighter. (00:06:00)
Revealing mistake: When Cash's stuntman jumps out the window after the bad guy, his feet move out in front of him so that he will land on his back (on an airbag) - cut to next shot and his feet are magically underneath him as he lands and rolls. As (Cash) runs around the street corner it is obviously a stuntman. When Cash runs down the narrow alley he is not wearing a bulletproof vest, but in a following scene he takes one off. (00:07:05)
Continuity mistake: Cash spins out the truck of the bad guy and it stops all forward momentum, but in the next shot it is racing at full speed. The truck then takes out many overhead fluorescent lights. Why has no other vehicle ever hit those lights? Then the truck partially knocks down 7 lights in a row, leaving them hanging vertically. They were damaged enough to knock them off the ceiling - but they are all undamaged enough to still be operating: keep in mind that these are fragile fluorescent lights. But no damage is done to the floodlights on the roof of the truck. (00:08:00)
Continuity mistake: Tango is searching a building and pulls out a 2 inch barrel little 38 revolver, but when all the cops arrive he only puts down his 45 automatic. (00:19:00 - 00:23:00)
Audio problem: When Tango and Cash first meet the Assistant Warden, somebody dubs over his voice and the words don't match his movement - and it is very obvious that it is not his voice. (00:45:00)
Factual error: It was so nice of the prison to give Tango and Cash the belts (with brass buckles) that they used to escape. All prisons give their inmates belts, don't they? (00:55:00)

Continuity mistake: In one scene, Tango sees a man looking in through the screen door, he jumps the man and rips open the screen. In the next scene, the screen is back to normal and covering the man's face. (01:11:02)
Revealing mistake: When Tango and Cash hold a bad guy upside down off a roof, Tango has his arms straight out in front of him, elbows locked, parallel to the ground. This would require incredible strength. In the next shot he holds the bad guy properly, held close to his own body with his elbows bent - but Tango appears to be exerting no effort in order to lift the guy at the beginning of this new shot. We can also see the outline of a harness system to hold the bad guy up under the black silk shirt of the bad guy. (01:17:50)
Other mistake: When Stallone stops the bad guys in the semi full of cocaine, they fly through a windshield that is apparently made of plate glass, and not the safety glass found on almost every other vehicle windshield on earth.
Continuity mistake: When Tango and Cash are playing the "good cop, bad cop" routine with Requin, the tape on Requin's mouth is almost off, but in the next shot the tape is OK.
Other mistake: Their big 4x4 at the end is really a two wheel drive. When they make the big jump with the fire all around them you can see the front end in the light. There is no front differential, just two big A frames.
Continuity mistake: When Tango and Cash escape from prison, they slide down an electric cable. When Stallone is running to the wire, he has nothing in his mouth. In the next scene, when he jumps to the cable, he has a belt or rope in his mouth.
Continuity mistake: In the beginning of movie, when Cash and Tango's sister are on the couch, she is facing one way. In the next shot, she's facing the opposite way.
Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the movie when they are in their big 4x4 destroying the camp, they jump off a small cliff. It is a night scene so they have their headlights on. They cut outside the truck as it jumps and both headlights work. They go back inside, then outside as it does a hard landing. You can clearly see one light is now out from the impact. They go to another inside shot, then outside after it lands. Both lights now work.
Continuity mistake: Tango is in the FBI agent's house and the guy pulls the handle of his car to get away and his car blows up. Tango flies through the air without his necklace. In the next scene, he has it on again. The guy in the air is clearly a stuntman.
Revealing mistake: When Cash stuffs the grenade in the trousers of the guy with the ponytail and throws him down the stairs, you can see that the explosion doesn't come from the grenade but from the hall on the right side of the stairs.
Continuity mistake: When Teri Hatcher gets stopped by the cops, soon after her helmet gets taken off she blows a load of smoke in the guy's face. We cut to a shot from another angle, and this cloud of smoke has completely vanished.
Continuity mistake: The scene is at Tango's house where he reaches into the refrigerator and pulls out a plate of spaghetti. He drops it on the floor, the shot pulls away, then you see the plate again, only this time it has a fork.
Audio problem: When Tango takes his first shot at the tanker at the beginning, the guy in the passenger seat says, "Shit!" However, the way his lips move, that can't possibly be what he's saying.
Answer: He was doing a combat reload, where you eject all the rounds, spent or not and fill the revolver with new ones. It guarantees six shots, rather than relying on "indexing" where you count every round fired.
That doesn't make any sense since he hadn't fired a single round and the gun was fully loaded.
It's hard to tell, but it does look like there were at least some empty shells that land on the ground. A revolver isn't going to eject spent shells, so there's no way to say it was fully loaded.