Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Continuity mistake: When Superman walks to the UN there's a mounted police man on the right. Shot changes, and he's suddenly on the far left. Shot changes again, and he's now meters ahead, on the left of the UN entrance.


Continuity mistake: Nuclear man flies over the Russian parade and looks to his right. Then stops and stares in front and shoots fire balls at the tank below. Problem is the parade, tank and everything is taking place behind him (a matte painting). Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Continuity mistake: When Nuclear Man approaches the tornado the clouds and tornado move at normal speed except for the shot of Nuclear in front of the tornado, where it moves in slow motion. Later on, before the family exits the house the tornado moves in slo-mo again. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Superman flies to save the girl inside the tornado and the family exits the basement there's a truck by the entrance door filled with hay. Half a second later the truck is gone and reappears behind the family, but now it's empty. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Continuity mistake: When Lois visits sick Clark his fringe changes style from brushed to messy to messier between shots, back and forth.


Continuity mistake: When Superman walks towards the UN entrance there's a lot of people between him and the red car. A shot later the people have vanished and him and the kid are standing right next to the car.


Revealing mistake: After (superimposed) Superman stops the tornado, he flies away to the left. Instead, the farmer stares and moves his head to the right. The director forgot to tell him where the image would be placed. (Laserdisc and international extended editions).


Continuity mistake: After flying together, Clark and Lois walk into the apartment. When she says she has "the jeepers" her arm suddenly swaps from lowered to raised.


Audio problem: When Lois and Clark jump off the terrace, she cries his name. In the wide angle she moves her mouth but no sound is heard.


Other mistake: The part of the great wall of China that Superman fixes where bricks grow has nothing to do with the broken part from before, nor with the wall we see once he fixes it.


Continuity mistake: After flying with Lois, Superman walks away and is about to crash against the camera. He quickly dodges it by turning sideways. From the opposite angle he is walking straight.


Audio problem: After the satellite crashes against the cosmonaut, inside the spaceship a Russian cosmonaut starts to cry out things, but his mouth isn't moving.


Continuity mistake: When the satellite knocks down the cosmonaut, his helmet differs between the wide shots and the close-ups from smooth and with no details, to a real one, revealing the first one is a dummy.


Continuity mistake: The inside of the Russian spaceship differs between the outside shots as seen through the window, and the ones inside.


Superman: You'd risk world wide nuclear war for your own personal financial gain.
Lex Luthor: Nobody wants war. I just want to keep the threat alive.

More quotes from Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Trivia: Near the end of the film, Superman gives a press conference in front of a bluish mirror-glass building which is meant to be the Daily Planet skyscraper in Metropolis (which we all know is New York, sort of). The shot is framed so you can only see the bottom of the building - necessary as it is only about 3 floors high, and is in fact the railway station in Milton keynes, England, about 400 yards from where I work. Even the crowd have a vaguely British look about them - presumably passers-by were recruited and stood there in their own clothes (this would matter less now - Brits look more American than they did in the Eighties).

More trivia for Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Question: I read that, according to Margot Kidder, when working on this movie, Christopher Reeve and Sidney J. Furie didn't get along at all. Is this true? If it is true, then what was the reason behind their feud in the first place?

Answer: There appears to be multiple reasons. They had creative differences, ultimately resulting in a poorly received movie. Kidder said Reeves, who co-wrote the story, had an inflated ego and clashed with Furie.


Moreover, Mark Pillow, who played Nuclear Man, claimed that working with Reeve was quite intense.

More questions & answers from Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

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