
Superman (1978)

30 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: In the "Can you read my mind" scene where Superman is flying with Lois Lane through the clouds, we see a pigeon flying close beside them. Do pigeons fly above the clouds?

Correction: According to Encyclopedia Britannica, most pigeon species have been spotted above 2,000 feet. These could have been low-lying clouds.


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, where Clark is racing (or flying) after the rocket to save Lex's girl's mom first, it seems obvious how he is struggling to catch up to the rocket. But then later, he is circling the earth to 'rewind' time, to save Lois... he must have easily been going ten times faster than he was when trying to catch the rocket.

Correction: Even Superman has to deal with air resistance in the earth's atmosphere. When he is turning back time, he is in space and therefore can fly much faster.

Corrected entry: The first time he catches Lois, he doesn't break her fall at all - he just stops her in midair, meaning that there'd be no difference from if she'd hit the pavement.

Correction: I believe this is the scene where Lois falls from the helicopter on the roof of the Daily Planet building. He doesn't just stop her in midair, rather he slows her descent since he's actually moving downward for a bit as he catches her. Then reverses and flies to the roof of the building with her. You could tell this by the way the background moves when he catches her.

Corrected entry: When Lex is detailing his plan to Superman over the map on the floor, Otis puts an overlay of the San Andreas fault over California. A few moments later, Otis drops a second overlay on top of the first, this time of the revised coastline Luther is planning. Superman and Luthor talk for a few moments, and Lex tells him it was hard to find the ideal spot to hit with the missile. He then strikes the floor with his cane, cracking the glass of the map, but it's the first overlay that is cracked, and the second overlay is suddenly gone.


Correction: Otis may have picked up or moved the overlay aside when he was off-screen erasing "Otisburg."

JC Fernandez

Watching the scene now, I don't think Otis had time to move it. He is off-screen for no more than 2 seconds, the entire time which you can hear him wiping. We would have heard him move the overlay, plus I don't think he had room to do so, even if there was time because Superman crosses in front of it. I think the mistake is valid.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Superman is flying with Lois Lane, they climb up through the clouds, with the moon in the background. Their shadow appears directly below them on the clouds. Is there another moon we don't know about?

Correction: The light source of the shadow is the reflection of the moonlight from the clouds above them.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: If Superman has super-hearing, how come he didn't hear the helicopter crash on top of the Daily Planet? (You can tell he didn't hear by the double take he does when he looks up.)

Correction: This should be fairly obvious. Superman can control his super-hearing. Imagine what his life would be like if this ability were "on" all of the time.

Corrected entry: Baby superman's Christmas ornament spacecraft can travel right through a sun but the pointy things all around it shrivel and burn when it hits earth's atmosphere?

Correction: The spacecraft is an alien spacecraft. Jor-El could've detailed it to be impervious to the heat of the Krypton sun.

Corrected entry: When Lois is interviewing Superman for the first time, she already knows that he has X-ray vision and is impervious to pain. How can she know this since she is supposedly the 1st person to interview him? She should only know that he can fly and has amazing strength. (01:28:45)

Correction: At least half of this deserves a correction: I don't know about the other half. On Superman's first night, someone hits him with a crowbar. A police interrogation of that criminal would have made the papers and led to the conclusion that Superman might be impervious to pain. Lois would have read every word written about him before the interview (there may also have been a radio report, since this was the very next day). We didn't see anything on screen Superman's first night where he used X-ray vision, but it's not unreasonable to suggest that he showed a lot of powers that night and Lois was verifying rumors during the interview.

K.C. Sierra

Corrected entry: Lex Luthor claims the yield of each bomb is 500 megatons, and that the second one is headed for Hackensack, NJ. Given Hackensack's proximity to Metropolis, a 500 megaton bomb would wipe out the entire city, Lex Luthor included. (01:57:10 - 02:01:25)

Correction: This is part of the plan in case Superman gets free of the Kryptonite necklace. He states that Superman cannot stop both of the missiles, and by sending one close to Metropolis, this pretty much guarantees that Superman will have to stop the one closest to him first to have any chance at stopping the other one. As seen in the movie, it proves not to be enough time indeed, as the missile detonates in California.


Corrected entry: When Superman reverses time and saves Lois, he never actually prevents the missiles from hitting the San Andreas fault, therefore he did not stop the earthquakes, therefore shouldn't the ground still open up behind her car?

Correction: Superman reversed time to a point where he was able to stop BOTH missiles. Presumably he went back to the point where he was originally stopping the first one, and went to stop the second one. So for a brief period there were two of him.

Factual error: When Clark speaks to Jor-El for the first time in the Fortress, Jor-El says "I will have been dead for many thousands of your years..." Fine in theory - Baby Kal-El travelled to Earth at above light speed so time passed differently for him. However, as such, wouldn't Jor-El have seen Earth as it was thousands of years ago? Which also makes there a problem with all the things Kal-El was taught during his voyage to Earth, as Jor-El references Einstein by name, for instance, and he would not have existed at the point when Jor-El sent him to Earth.

More mistakes in Superman

Lex Luthor: We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Trivia: Jeff East, who plays teenage Clark Kent, was dubbed over with Christopher Reeves' voice. The only time Jeff's actual voice is heard is when he shouts in excitement after jumping past the speeding train.

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Question: One thing I don't understand about the movie is why kryptonite is so harmful (almost making him drown in a pool), yet he was born there and he didn't die. Kryptonite did come from his home planet, Krypton, right? How come he didn't die when he was born?

Answer: When Krypton exploded, the resulting debris was chemically altered through nuclear fusion, converting it into kryptonite. Bits traveled through space, some eventually ending up on Earth, where it is now lethal to anyone who was from that planet.


Pieces of Krypton that exploded in the Red Sun were made radioactive, and the Red Sun is one of the weaknesses of the Kryptonians.

I thought the Red Sun was poisonous to Kryptonians and caused the remnants of the planet Krypton to become radioactive and also absorb some of the solar energy from the Red Sun. I was under that impression, maybe I'm mistaken.

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