Brickell: Let me ask you something Bart, what are you running from?
Bart: My dad. He, uh, he...
Brickell: He beat you, didn't he? Ya ain't got no poker face kid.
Bart: I carry that. I have to live with that, you know. I always will.
Brickell: Then write about it. Stop running from it. Let that pain become your inspiration.
Brickell: What is the name of your band again?
Bart: It is "Mercy Me." Because when I told my Memaw that we were starting a band, she was like "Mercy me, get a real job!" And I was like: "Oh, Memaw." And the guys were like "Did she really say that?" and I was like "Yeah, we have to name the band mercy me." So we called it.