Trivia: Clint Eastwood's friend Horace, the black male first seen sneaking up on him with a shotgun is also in other movies with Dirty Harry. His first appearance is the first "punk" where Harry gives his famous "Do you feel lucky...?" line to. He also appears in the Enforcer as Mustafa, the black militant leader. He is also in the second, Magnum Force, playing a pimp who is followed in his Cadillac with tiger skin seat off the freeway by the corrupt traffic cops. He talks a little to the officer and then, like other dodgy characters in the film, is shot a few times.
Trivia: The only "Dirty Harry" movie directed by Clint Eastwood.
Trivia: The famous shoot out at the Acron took six hours to film. The real SFPD received 20 911 calls from people around that area who thought a real shoot out was going on.
Answer: Probably, but action/police movies often are unrealistic about depicting laws and police procedures.
raywest ★