Lando Calrissian: I hate you.
Han Solo: I know.
Beckett: Let me give you some advice. Assume everyone will betray you. And you will never be disappointed.
L3-37: Why, because you're my "organic overlord?"
Qi'Ra: You look good. A little rough around the edges, but good.
Han Solo: I've got a good feeling about this.
Lando Calrissian: Do you want anything?
L3-37: Equal rights?
Han Solo: I thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it's fine. We're fine.
Lando Calrissian: I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but I accept it.
L3-37: So glad we took this job.
Han Solo: I heard a story about you. I was wondering if it's true.
Lando Calrissian: Everything you've heard about me is true.
Dryden Vos: You need an incredibly fast ship, and a brilliant pilot.
Han Solo: We've got the pilot.
Han Solo: Since when do you know how to fly? [Chewie howls.] 190 years old? [Chewie howls again.] You look great!
Chosen answer: Qi'ra's motivations are purposefully vague. It could be she killed Vos because she loved Han. It could be a simple power play, as she did not like being a slave to Vos. It could be a combination of both: she was able to save Han and also gain a position of power by killing Vos. We'll likely never know the answer as a follow up to Solo seems unlikely at this point.