
Batman (1989)

93 mistakes - chronological order

(6 votes)

Continuity mistake: When Mayor Borg urges Harvey Dent to do something about the Joker's Smylex scare, a phone rings. As Dent goes to answer it, the cigar in his right hand jumps to his mouth between frames. (00:58:25)


Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Joker's henchmen are trashing the museum, one guy puts red handprints all over a portrait, later the Joker walks by the same portrait and the handprints are gone. (00:59:55)

Continuity mistake: As Vicki waits at the museum cafeteria, you can see "Fluegelheim Museum" is printed on the menu on her table. But when she escapes with Batman, the sign at the front entrance of the building says "Flugelheim Museum". (01:00:30 - 01:07:20)

Other mistake: In the scene at the beginning, when the robbers take Harold's wallet, the robber who had the gun says "American express card" but, when he says "don't leave home without it" the subtitles say the goon on the left says it, even though you can see the goon on the right move his mouth. (01:04:30)


Continuity mistake: During the Batmobile car chase scene, Batman bangs a left from the side street near Monarch Theatre, leading Joker's henchmen and several patrol cars on a straight path for a few seconds. But right before the car pileup in front of Monarch Theatre, Batman is seen turning left onto the very same side street he came from to begin with. (01:08:00)


Continuity mistake: At one point during the car chase through downtown Gotham City, the Batmobile maneuvers a sharp turn with the aid of a cable that launches from the driver's side and hooks onto a steel beam structure nearby. But as the Batmobile starts cornering, notice how the cable appears fastened in a different manner. Between shots, it has tied itself completely around the beam instead. (01:08:15)


Continuity mistake: After rescuing Vicki from the museum, Batman leads Joker's henchmen on a downtown chase with the Batmobile. One car on his tail causes a major pileup at the intersection near Monarch Theatre. A short time later when the unmanned Batmobile is making its way down the street, it passes right through that very same intersection. This time, however, there are no indications that a pileup ever took place just moments before. All mangled vehicles and debris have disappeared. (01:08:20 - 01:12:00)


Continuity mistake: Right before the Batmobile is forced to park in front of a tractor's plow, it drives down the same stretch of road twice in consecutive shots (note the swerving car). (01:08:35)


Revealing mistake: When the shields of the Batmobile are engaged, the metal plates come from nowhere. There isn't a place for them to come from or go to when taken off. And if you watch carefully, the shields coming from the sides of the Batmobile come out of thin air. (01:09:10)


Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Batman rescues Vicky he has a voice remote for the Batmobile. As the car approaches he orders the car to stop by speaking into the remote and then lowers it to his side. When the camera shot changes showing the car stopping right in front of him, he is still holding the remote to his mouth. (01:09:20)

Visible crew/equipment: When the Batmobile is driving itself to Batman and Vicky Vale, you can clearly see a hand turning the steering wheel. (01:12:00)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Batmobile automatically drives to Batman's and Vicky's location, a couple of patrol cars start following the Batmobile. When the Batmobile reaches Batman, they have mysteriously disappeared. (01:12:16)

Character mistake: The newspaper that reveals the combination of products that activates the Joker's poison has at least two grammar mistakes on the front page. The word "deodorant's" should not have had an apostrophe, and the word odoreaters was spelled "odoureaters," which has the British spelling of the word odor (Gotham City is obviously in the United States, not the UK). (01:17:10)


Revealing mistake: After the Batmobile's pair of machine guns riddles a straight line of bullet holes through a bay door of Axis Chemicals, it drives in and eventually goes on to blow up the plant. It might seem like the bullet holes themselves would weaken the bay door enough for the Batmobile to push through. But instead - as the bay door falls to the ground - notice how a ready-made seam splits apart directly above the line of bullet holes. (01:34:15)


Visible crew/equipment: Set lights are reflected in a building's second story window just before the Joker and his goons start tossing handfuls of cash to the crowd. (01:36:30)


Factual error: It would take even a very strong acid a lot longer than a few seconds to eat through the thick metal bolts holding up the bell. (01:44:00)


Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Joker is at the top of the building and taunting them, his chin is red (presumably from his blood when Batman socked him in the jaw.) After he falls off the building, and we see him lying on the ground, his chin is not covered in blood like it was before. (01:50:45 - 01:54:35)

Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Batman initially fires the rope around Joker's ankle at the end, the rope only goes around the statue's legs. The next time we see it, it's somehow re-tied itself, and is now looped around the statue's backside. (01:52:55)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: After asking Joker if he's ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight, Batman throws a right hand punch. However in the following shot Joker is seen getting hit with the left fist instead. (01:54:30)


Visible crew/equipment: When Joker is being lifted by the helicopter at the end the lines from the safety harnesses that attach him to the ladder are briefly visible. (01:57:25)

The Joker: And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money. And where is the Batman? HE'S AT HOME WASHING HIS TIGHTS!

More quotes from Batman
More trivia for Batman

Question: Given how narrow that ledge is, just how could the Joker grab hold of it and silently pull himself onto it prior to yanking Batman and Vicki Vale over the side?


Answer: Most likely, in real life, this would be impossible. Movies take liberties with facts and realities in order to tell the story.


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