Trivia: Jared Leto asked to wear opaque contact lenses in order to play the blind Niander Wallace. He wanted to lose his ability to see to get into character.
Trivia: Sir Roger Deakins won the Oscar for Best Cinematography for his work on the film. It was Deakins' first Oscar after 13 previous nominations.
Trivia: David Bowie was the initial choice to play the villain Wallace, but he sadly passed away before filming began.
Trivia: During their fight scene, Harrison Ford accidentally punched Ryan Gosling in the face, and the moment was caught on camera. The incident became something of a meme and was talked about all over talk shows and in interviews. To make up for it, Ford invited Gosling to have fun and share a nice bottle of whiskey with him after filming the scene.
Trivia: Director Denis Villeneuve was originally against a sequel to "Blade Runner," as he felt the original film was perfect and would be harmed by a sequel. But after reading the script and meeting Harrison Ford, he changed his mind and immediately signed on.
Trivia: The initial workprint of the film was almost four hours long. At one point, the studio tinkered with splitting the workprint up into two parts, which would have been released a year apart, similar to movies like "Kill Bill" or "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." However, director Denis Villeneuve instead cut the film down to a much more palatable 2 hours and 45 minutes, and it was released as one movie.
Answer: The birth records were purposefully mixed to hide Ana Stelline (Rachael and Deckard's daughter). She was passed off as a boy and raised in the orphanage. K was given her memories because she secretly was giving replicants pleasant memories of her own. She is in a containment area because it is said she has an autoimmune disorder, but this is likely a ploy by the freedom fighters to keep anyone from examining her and discovering that she is at least part replicant.