Jolly the Pimp: Rules are rules and this is a place where we make love, not war.
Doghan-Dagui: We know how humans work. They are all so predictable.
Sergeant Laureline: Clearly, you have never met a woman.
Sergeant Laureline: It's our mission that doesn't make sense, sir.
Bubble: I know all of Shakespeare by heart.
Igon Siruss: I'm fighting for a noble cause, too. Mine.
Sergeant Laureline: I didn't come here to get a makeover.
Bubble: I'm afraid of a kiss, like a kiss from a bee.
Answer: As portrayed in the film, the Mül converter is a native creature from the planet Mül. Given that several decades have passed since the destruction of the planet and its former citizens have been traveling to the stars, it's obvious that over time, other people and races learned about the Mül converter's powers, hence it became sought after on the black market. It was likely among the few beings who were saved before they planet's destuction - the Pearls seemed to keep them as pets, so it's very likely that one or two were brought along when they escaped, even if we didn't see it happen.