Gru's Mom: Shortly after you and your brother were born, your father and I divorced, and we each took one son. Obviously, I got second pick.
Lucy Wilde: Agents Grucy are closing fast!
Gru: Yes! Wait, whaa? What did you call us?
Lucy Wilde: Grucy. You know, Gru and Lucy mushed together - Grucy.
Gru: I like it, but not a lot. I don't like it.
Lucy: Oh this is amazing! It's like the Sistine Chapel... But with pigs.
Balthazar Bratt: Dance fight.
Silas: Wait, that's not a monster! That's a man wearing shoulder pads. There's only one supervillain whose fashion sense is quite dead dated... Balthazar Bratt! I want every agent on this scene immediately.