Trivia: In the famous scene when Don Lockwood is singing in the rain, apparently Gene Kelly (Don) was suffering from a fever.
Trivia: The script for this movie was written after the songs were; most were written in the 1930s, some earlier, and the latest in the late 1940s. The title song, for example, was first published in 1929.
Trivia: "Singin' in the Rain" wasn't in the original screenplay. When it was added, it was intended to be performed by Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. This song eventually became "Good Morning", and "Singin' in the Rain" became Kelly's iconic solo.
Trivia: Donald O'Connor admitted that he did not like working with Gene Kelly because he found Kelly to be a bit of a tyrant on the set.
Trivia: It has been known that Debbie Reynolds was frequently picked on by Gene Kelly for not being to dance so well. One day while Reynolds was crying on the set, Fred Astaire helped her with the dancing.
Trivia: During the "Good Morning, Good Morning" sequence, Debbie Reynolds' tap dancing was dubbed over by Gene Kelly.
Trivia: When Gene Kelly is dancing in the rain, he was wearing a wool suit which kept shrinking on him. In order to be able to move to dance, he had to change his suit several times.
Trivia: Debbie Reynolds was severely intimidated by power-dancer Gene Kelly. Her feet were blistered and bleeding after just one day on the set with him. She sobbed about working with Kelly so much that her good friend Fred Astaire privately tutored her, gently, in the dance routines.
Trivia: In the following dance sequences: "All I do is dream of you", "Beautiful girl", "Good Mornin'" and "Broadway Rhythm" - all the girl dancers are wearing the same shoes each time, but different colour.
Trivia: By the time the dance number "Good Mornin'" was finished, Debbie Reynolds had danced for so long and so hard all day long that her heartbeat dropped and she was confined to bedrest.
Answer: It is the same as a nurse maid or nanny. It tended to be someone who was black and a slave (a long time ago).
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