Plot hole: In the runaway train scene, Gene Wilder uncouples the train from the forward car, and has to make a dramatic leap to get back to the uncoupled car. Is there any reason he couldn't have uncoupled the train from the back car and just stayed put? It seems an unnecessary bit of drama.
Plot hole: When Gene Wilder is in the bar car lamenting to Ned Beatty about how wrong he's been about everything he is intoxicated. But when Beatty leads Wilder to the top of the train to prove him wrong, Wilder becomes completely sober within a matter of minutes.
Answer: Most likely it was a production decision. Having multiple extra actors continually smoking during multiple takes and over hours of filming would make for a smokey set, affect breathing and burn peoples' eyes, be a fire hazard, and create consistency problems with cigarettes being in various stages of use (freshly lit or almost down to a stub).
raywest ★