Viking Lofgren: Hey, lipshitz.
Horowitz: The name is Horowitz, asshole.
Viking Lofgren: Horowitz asshole?
Paco Moreno: I heard it was lipshitz.
Viking Lofgren: Yeah, and if your lip shits, what's your asshole doin'?
Warden Bendix: One way or the other, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
Horowitz: That's Lofgren. They call him Viking. I call him shit for brains.
Viking Lofgren: Shut your fucking mouth, Horowitz.
Gene Daniels: My name is Gene Daniels. Call me Mr. Daniels, I like that, don't call me anything else.
Mick O'Brien: I'm sorry about your little brother, Moreno.
Paco Moreno: Oh, you really break my heart, you know that? I'm sorry about your old lady. I'm sorry I didn't get to finish the job.
Mick O'Brien: Hey. What are the odds on me now, Perretti?
Perretti: Three to two... against you. Nothing personal.
Horowitz: What are you afraid of?
Mick O'Brien: I ain't afraid of anything.
Horowitz: Hey, after what you did to Viking and Tweety, you're IT.
Mick O'Brien: Two carts for me and two carts for Horowitz... for free.