Bad Boys

Bad Boys (1983)

7 continuity mistakes - chronological order

(6 votes)

Continuity mistake: After Mick and JC finish having sex, in the shots of both of them together talking, she's leaning on her nightstand. When the camera is just on her, she's leaning up with her arms around her knees. (00:12:40 - 00:13:40)

Continuity mistake: Mick buys 3 cans of cola from the machine. But when he's in his room and empties his pockets, there are 4 cans. (00:48:20 - 00:49:15)

Continuity mistake: Just one second before Mick stabs the floor instead off Paco, Paco has no blood around his mouth and nose.


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Suggested correction: This is not Horowitz! Watch carefully. Horowitz doesn't have a beard.

Continuity mistake: At the beginning at the school when Paco says " hey J.C." his body and his left arm against the locker move between shots.


Continuity mistake: The large scar on Mick's face increases size between when he is with the judge and when he gets to the jail.


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Horowitz: That's Lofgren. They call him Viking. I call him shit for brains.
Viking Lofgren: Shut your fucking mouth, Horowitz.

More quotes from Bad Boys

Trivia: According to the audio commentary on the DVD, actress Jamie Lee Curtis makes a very quick cameo at the beginning of the film. However, her name is not listed in the credits.

More trivia for Bad Boys

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