James Bond: Could you do one more thing for me?
Q: And that would be?
James Bond: Make me disappear.
Oberhauser: Why did you come?
James Bond: I came here to kill you.
Oberhauser: And I thought you came here to die.
James Bond: Well, it's all a matter of perspective.
James Bond: If you've come for the car, I parked it at the bottom of the Tiber.
Q: Oh, not to worry, it was only a three million pound prototype.
Mr. Hinx: Shit.
James Bond: Where is he?
Mr. White: He is EVERYWHERE.
Madeleine Swann: Why, given every other possible option, does a man choose the life of a paid assassin?
James Bond: Well, it was that or the priesthood.
James Bond: I was in a meeting recently, and your name came up.
Mr. White: I'm flattered London is still talking about me.
James Bond: It wasn't MI6.
Oberhauser: It was me, James. The author of all your pain.
Oberhauser: Welcome, James. You've come across me so many times, yet you never saw me. What took you so long?
Mr. White: You are a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr Bond.
Answer: It is mentioned that Oberhauser died 20 years ago. This could have been many years after James stopped living with him.