
Deadpool (2016)

27 mistakes

(9 votes)

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Continuity mistake: In the bridge fight scene where Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead appear, Deadpool tries to escape Colossus' handcuffs by severing his hand. The hand that he cuts off is his left, but when he jumps off the bridge the severed arm is on his right side.


Continuity mistake: In the scene near the end where Ajax has a knife in the side of Deadpool's head and is punching him, later Deadpool pulls the knife out. In a follow up shot there is no hole in the mask where the knife was, but in a later shot the hole is there.

Matthew Kirschner


Continuity mistake: At the end the blood around Francis' mouth keeps changing between shots - blood all over his teeth then not, then back.

Deadpool mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead leave the manor, the scene cuts back to the bridge where several gunmen are shown exiting cars and begin approaching Deadpool. In one of the shots during this, a gunman is shown exiting the passenger side of a car, with the camera placed behind him. In the shot, the reflection of a camera, cameraman and boom mic are visible in the wing mirror. (00:10:15)

Casual Person


Continuity mistake: When Wade is lying on the bed talking to Ajax the mouth gag moves around between camera shots - completely missing, then on his neck, then his shoulder, back to completely missing.

Continuity mistake: Towards the end Vanessa uses her hands to open the cabin and she gets some wounds because of the sword, but when Negasonic helps her the wounds are gone.



Continuity mistake: When Vanessa takes off Wade's mask at the end of the movie, he has a picture of Hugh Jackman's face stapled to his. When Vanessa removes the picture, the staple on Wade's chin is affixed and horizontal. In the next shot, it's hanging down. The third time we see it, it's back to position 1.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Deadpool is in the front seat of the cab, the passenger window is rolled half way down, although it seems to change during the scene. But then, when he pulls back his mask, the window is now rolled all the way up.


Factual error: When Deadpool is starved of oxygen, then causes an explosion, it is implied that the excess of oxygen, coupled with a heat source (match), causes the chain reaction which blows up the oxygen tanks. However, for a chain reaction to occur, fuel is also needed. Combustion is an oxidation of fuel. The only fuel present which is hot enough is the match. The hoses/ pipes and the tanks would not be flammable.

Hannah Eisenberg

Factual error: At the end, when Vanessa is thrown off the helicarrier, it's easily 200 foot down for her. Even if the tube is strong enough to survive that and all the debris falling on top of it, she's not strapped in, meaning she would smack every which way and probably break every bone in her body.


Continuity mistake: When the glass chamber holding Vanessa falls off the deck at the end it falls top first, but when the concrete block is lifted off, not only is it the right way up, but it is also at a right angle to the way it fell.

Continuity mistake: Just before Wade proposes to Vanessa at Christmas, while she is lying on the bed, she raises her right leg and puts her right foot against Wade's chest. In the next scene, her left leg is now raised and her left foot is against his chest.


Continuity mistake: When Wade and Vanessa are standing in front of the Skee-ball, the tattoo behind her right ear disappears, only to reappear when they are handing in their tickets. (00:22:15)


Continuity mistake: Towards the end while Deadpool is about to shoot Francis, he puts the gun to his forehead, then Colossus talks to him and now the gun is some inches away.


[Wade is using a bleach pen on his clothes to remove the blood]
Blind Al: Seltzer water and lemon for blood. Or wear red. Dumbass.

More quotes from Deadpool

Trivia: The joke that Deadpool makes "It's almost like the studio couldn't afford another X-man" is actually true. The movie had a relatively meagre budget of $58 million and the studio could not afford more X-men. The fight scene at the end in the junkyard also originally had Deadpool killing everyone with guns, but that was replaced with swords for budget reasons as well, which is why he accidentally leaves his bag of guns in the cab.

More trivia for Deadpool

Question: Deadpool spends his whole movie killing dozens of people trying to find Francis. But did anyone else know that his real name was Francis, or just knew him as Ajax?

Answer: No and I think that was the joke. He was angry at that whole system so taking out everyone who worked for Francis was probably just him warming up for Francis. What possibly proves this is when he finally gets to 'Agent Smith' he actually asks "where is your boss?" He doesn't say Francis to him.

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