Trivia: Not a mistake, just a case of very bad luck that not many realize: In an attempt to escape the infamous "Tar man" zombie, Tina runs up the stairs. She ends up falling through the bad stair, mentioned earlier in the picture. Now think back to the beginning, after Freddy and Frank breathe the gas from the tank. Frank runs over and pukes under the stairs. So, not only is Tina being pursued by a brain hungry zombie, she also takes a high fall, and lands in cold puke.
Trivia: The actress who plays Trash is actually wearing a prosthetic rubber "crotch piece" during her strip scene (and subsequent scenes), which one of the producers insisted on, because he felt full frontal female nudity was "too much" for the film. Ironically, most of the shots of her are from a distance, and her under-region is hard to see, so in the end, the prosthetic was not really necessary. As confirmed in DVD commentary.
Trivia: The "zombie" butterflies flailing about on the board after the gas is leaked are really cut out pictures from a butterfly book. The production designer was waving a piece of cardboard off camera to get them to move as if they were alive. DVD Commentary.
Trivia: In the opening when the punkers are walking along the sidewalk, the bum curled up on the sidewalk is the production designer - DVD Commentary.
Trivia: The shot where the artillery bomb is loaded is completely stop motion animation.