Trivia: Professor Plum reveals that he works for UNO, the United Nations Organization, in a branch called WHO, the World Health Organization. As such, he works for UNOWHO (You Know Who).

Trivia: The disclaimer, "Neither the name Zorin nor any other name or character in this film is meant to portray a real company or actual person," was added after the producers discovered a real company known as Zoran Ladicorbic Ltd, whose industry was fashion design. This is the first Bond film to begin with a disclaimer.

Trivia: John Hughes, the director, originally wanted John Cusak to play Judd Nelson's bad boy role. He finally gave in when he realized that John didn't look "tough enough".

Trivia: A fan theory on Reddit suggest that Roy Burns was possessed by the spirit of Jason Voorhees. There is some credence to this theory considering that the murders Roy committed would require inhuman strength, he broke down a solid wooden door by just walking through it and when he got hit by a tractor, he got back up very quickly. How he got possessed by Jason however has never been explained.

Trivia: The character of Sofia is played by Oprah Winfrey. Sofia marries Harpo, as well as the fact that 'Harpo' is 'Oprah' reversed, 'Harpo' is also the name of Oprah Winfrey's production company.

Trivia: When Col. John Matrix is with Cooke in the motel, Matrix says the famous phrase: "I eat green berets for breakfast." This was a reference to Sylvester Stallone, who played a Green Beret in the Rambo movies. (00:46:45)

Trivia: Harrison Ford was very taken with the Amish and the beautiful scenery in which Witness was filmed. Mr. Ford is a supporter and contributor to the Lancaster Farmland Trust, which helps save and preserve precious family farmlands. The Krantz' farm (where Witness was filmed) was saved and preserved by this trust fund.

Trivia: Bob Clark was asked to write and direct a third Porky's movie. Bob said that he would be interested but that he was busy directing Rhinestone and need time to think of a good storyline. The producers didn't want to wait, so they hired Ziggy Steinberg to write it. Bob Clark was angry when he found out what the producers had done and refused to have anything to do with the movie.

Trivia: During the street race against the Asian brothers, Lane nearly runs over several nuns crossing the street. If you look closely you can see one of the nuns carrying a large ghettoblaster on her shoulder.

Trivia: When Dan Aykroyd speaks to the Russian agents, the Russian phrase he says "Menshe ty znayesh, luchshe" translates to "The less you know, the better."

Trivia: Sylvester Stallone, actually tore a muscle in his heart while filming the training sequence in which he lifts the sleigh that everybody was sitting in. Filming had to stop for two months so doctors could make sure that he healed properly and the chances for him having a heart attack would be reduced.

Trivia: When Gary is first telling Wyatt of his idea to make a woman, Wyatt asks,"What about your girl[friend] in Canada?" a reference to Anthony Michael Hall's character in "The Breakfast Club." In the Breakfast Club when Bender is asking Brian if he is a cherry, Brian says that he had slept with a girl from Canada that he met at Niagara Falls. (00:07:00)

Trivia: In real life, Jane Kaczmarek is only 10 years older than Jason Gedrick, despite playing his mother in the movie.

Trivia: In the scene where Meg appears, Richard Picardo had a hard time breathing in the latex costume and mask while underwater. When he/she pops up, look closely; Meg appears to be spitting water and gasping for breath.

Trivia: This is the first movie in human history to ever to feature a fully CG (computer generated) character when the knight emerges from the stained glass window. Computer graphics had existed prior (Wrath of Kahn), but never once to simulate an on-screen character.