
Continuity mistake: While the team are hearing the music on the chopper, the pushed buttons on the recorder change - the third one, then the fourth, then none.


Continuity mistake: The bullet riddled tree that Poncho is hiding behind changes. It goes from severely riddled to not as much damage.


Poncho: Billy, you know something. What is it?
Billy: I'm scared, Poncho.
Poncho: Bullshit! You ain't afraid of no man.
Billy: There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die.


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Trivia: Jesse Ventura could only carry enough blank ammunition to fire "Old Painless" for five seconds even though the props department had dramatically reduced the cyclic rate of the weapon to allow the camera to film the barrels rotating.

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Question: Why did Dillon really want Dutch and his team to go to Val Verde? He says it was to locate a helicopter that was shot down and to look for Hopper but, after the successful raid, Dillon is seen looking through some papers, so he wanted Dutch there for some other reason.

Answer: He wanted Dutch and his team to help him retrieve the intelligence documents he was rooting through. The Soviet officer shot by Dutch ("Knock knock!") was also looking at the same documents and was planning on moving them out of the country. The story goes a CIA operative was carrying intelligence and was shot down over Val Verde by the guerrillas who are aided by the Soviets. Dillon sent Jim Hopper and his Green Beret unit there to rescue his men and retrieve the intelligence but they were ambushed and killed by the Predator. Believing Hopper and his men were killed by the guerrillas, Dillon felt he had no option left but to hire the best rescue team he knew to complete the mission. Dillon knew Dutch didn't do this sort of black ops work so he lied to him and made up the story about rescuing a cabinet minister.


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