
Continuity mistake: On the attack on the village, Dutch fires a 40mm grenade at a grass hut and there is a soldier that slowly flips over from the blast. Seconds later, Poncho fires another 40mm grenade round, and that same soldier flips over again. (00:24:40)

Other mistake: During the assault on the guerrilla base we see Mac running through the brush towards the camera firing his gun without aiming. It then switches shot to behind him, and he is turning towards a pair of men to shoot them. Plus the way he was moving and firing his gun isn't consistent with a professional soldier and their gun discipline and why would he be shooting randomly before engaging? (00:25:30)

Continuity mistake: After Mac has stabbed the scorpion that was on Dillon's back, he puts on a box and crushes it with his boot. You see a clear picture before he crushes it and then after he lifts his boot away. It is facing a completely different direction than before he stands on it. (00:32:25)

Continuity mistake: Billy carries an M-16 with an attachment under it when he leaves the burned village. When it shows him again the M-16 has no attachment. Right after that it shows him again and it's back. (00:35:15)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Anna tries to escape for the first time, and is stopped by a gun to her head, her hat is hanging down over her right shoulder. In the next shot, as Dillon comes to picker her up, her hat is now on her left shoulder. (00:37:20)

Continuity mistake: The first time Anna tries to escape she is stopped by Poncho. He confronts Dillon and tells him to put her on a leash, then raises his gun. Cut to Anna and he raises the gun again. (00:37:30)


Revealing mistake: In the scene when Anna first tries to escape and is stopped by Poncho, Dillon picks her up. If you look closely one of Anna's hands has slipped out of her cuffs yet she is still holding her hands together as if she's bound. (00:37:35)

Audio problem: When Anna hits Poncho and takes off running, Arnie "whistles" at Hawkins with his mouth closed and the camera is looking directly at him when it happens. (00:41:05)

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Suggested correction: The whistle is a tongue whistle. The tongue is curved via the teeth and the lips need to be almost closed to make the air rush out in that manner. It's sharper than a regular whistle due to this.

Factual error: Ventura carried the M134 Minigun and an ammo pack which holds 500 rounds. At its firing rate, that ammo would be spent within a matter of seconds, not minutes as was seen in the movie. (00:47:45)

Continuity mistake: In the shot where Mac finally runs out of minigun ammo, the barrels stop turning. However, the whirring continues and the barrels are still turning in later shots. He didn't let go and pull the trigger again because the whirring was continuous. (00:48:25)


Continuity mistake: During the montage scene of the remaining men setting the net trap for the Predator, all of the men are each doing individual jobs. Dillon does not take part initially, until Arnold says 'Instead of complaining, maybe you should help.' However, long before Arnold tells Dillon to help, Dillon can actually be seen helping out already. Watch closely...when Mac throws a rope across to Billy, Dillon is standing behind Mac, with his shirt off, fastening a rope to a tree, as if he was helping the whole time already. A similar shot occurs after Arnold's comment, but the first one is definitely before. (01:02:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When Dutch is going to check the area of the trap and to lure on Predator, there are visible some boxes at the top right corner of the shot. Probably set equipment. (01:06:00)


Continuity mistake: When the Predator blasts free of the net and his laser blows off a tree limb; in the first shot you can see the limb is hollow as it is shot off [and I for one have never heard of a hollow tree, but even if they do exist...] as the free limb swings down toward Poncho, you can see that it is no longer hollow, but completely solid. (01:06:40)

Revealing mistake: After they catch the Predator in the net and it breaks free, the laser blast breaks a big part of a tree and it heads toward a soldier, hitting him head on. If you watch closely when they show an above shot of the tree hitting the guy, you can see an air pressured pad pushing the tree on the ground into him. (01:06:40)

Continuity mistake: When Mac is killed by the Predator we see a shot of the Predator fully cloaked standing over the camera. As he slowly moves off to pursue Dillon there is a brief shot of Mac's twitching body with an un-cloaked object rising through the branches above. (01:08:55)

Visible crew/equipment: When Mac and Dillon are hiding in the hole talking about how they are going to kill the predator, a boom mic is briefly visible at the top of the screen between them. (01:10:20)

Other mistake: When the Predator sees Billy on the log bridge, there is a cold blotch in the middle of Billy's chest. He's not wearing anything that would make such a hole in his heat signature - it should be the same color as the rest of his torso. It doesn't even match up with the cut he made across his chest; the cut starts much higher than the blotch and the blotch is irregularly shaped, not indicating the smooth line of a cut. (01:15:20)


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Suggested correction: The cold area is the blood running from his wound. It is cooling down on contract with the air.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Dutch is being chased by the Predator, near the end, he jumps into a waterfall. When you see him take a high-dive, it is archive footage of a different person, filmed on a different camera. When it cuts straight back to Arnie, you can see that it was a completely different place as well. When you know to look for it, this is really obvious. (01:17:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When Dutch is swimming to shore in the first mud scene, at the top of the screen, there are wires or cables visible, running roughly horizontally in an elevated position, with some kind of device affixed. (01:18:24)

Continuity mistake: As Dutch climbs out of the water he crawls through mud. He looks back at the pursuing Predator and crawls backward through the mud. Even with all this crawling there is no way that he would have been covered head to toe in mud. If you look closely every little nook and cranny is full of mud, he would have had to dunk his entire body in a mud pit to accomplish this. (01:19:25)

Poncho: Get that stinking shit out of my face!
Blaine: Bunch of slack jawed-f*****s around here! This stuff will make you a god damn sexual Tyrannosaurus! Just like me.
Poncho: Strap this on your sore ass, Blaine!

More quotes from Predator

Trivia: Jesse Ventura was delighted to find out from the wardrobe department that his arms were 1" bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger's. He suggested to Schwarzenegger that they measure arms, with the winner getting a bottle of champagne. Ventura lost because Schwarzenegger had told the wardrobe department to tell Ventura that his arms were bigger.


More trivia for Predator

Question: This bugged me for years, when Billy said there is something in the trees to Dutch and in the next shot it shows the trees, is the Predator there, as in visible onscreen?


Chosen answer: Yes. The predator can be seen not in the immediate shot after, but the one a few seconds later as they are seen walking away.


Before or after Ramirez gets hit in the face with the branch?

About 3 seconds before. If you look VERY closely (probably needing to pause the screen around 00:40:55 - about a minute after Billy said, "There's something in the trees"), there appears to be a transparent image of The Predator in the background above the major's (Arnold's) right shoulder. If this is meant to be The Predator, its body is curved around a tree trunk and its arms are extended toward the right of the screen (near Arnold's right ear), camouflaged as green leaves.


The Predator - in a recognizable form - really wasn't visible until another minute later @ 00:41:55 when it was on the ground approaching Hawkins and the woman.


That's a tree, not the predator. We see Billy and Dutch head on in "predator vision" as they're talking, which means the predator is directly in front and slightly above them (unknown distance). The thing you're referring to would be in the wrong position.

No, it can't. I've just been through this several times and the predator isn't shown on screen at any time during or just after after the conversation.

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