Stupidity: Kora and Gunnar arrive at the town to find the rebel Bloodaxes via a contact of Gunnar's. They literally see this contact being hauled out of a bar by bounty hunters who work for the Imperium...and then walk straight into the same bar and start openly talking about needing to find the rebels right in front of the bartender and other patrons, who for all they know are all Imperium-aligned.

Stupidity: One of the major reveals and plot twists of the movie lies in the fact that a certain character is an accomplice of the medium. The reveal, though, does not explain at all how said individual managed to fool Poirot; the trick briefly shown involves a simple rope pull to open a door. Poirot was looking exactly for that kind of trick, paces around the room constantly on maximum alert, and examines the door itself later. Likewise, it does not explain where and how they could hide the stuffed animal.