Hercule Poirot: How many great stories are tragedies?

Joe: If there was only bad people doing bad things, it'd be easy to get rid of them. But the real truth is, good and bad live in everybody's heart. And it's going to be up to you to make the right choice.

Lib Wright: That's a story, Kitty. I'm looking for facts.

Angel: Never look back, never look forward.

Jack Conrad: And then he says: "Frankly Scarlett, you're a cunt." Type it.

Norma Jeane: Marilyn doesn't exist. When I come out of my dressing room, I'm Norma Jeane. I'm still her when the camera is rolling. Marilyn Monroe only exists on the screen.

Mitzi Fabelman: Guilt is a wasted emotion.

Ferruccio Lamborghini: If I didn't take her, someone else would have. I'm sorry, but she was never going to be yours. How can I hurt my friend by taking something that he never had?

Ramonda: I am Queen of the most powerful nation in the world! And my entire family is gone! Have I not given everything?

Sara: We have a BOGO in our boring section!