Rear Admiral: The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction.
Maverick: Maybe so, sir. But not today.

Stuart Long: Like anything, it's the struggle that brings you closer to God. I never shied away from no fight. Teaching priests to rat on suffering men, they're getting closer to Judas than Jesus.

Tricia Albright: The Albrights have been here since the Mayflower arrived.

Edward Nashton: If you are justice, please do not lie / What is the price for your blind eye?

Benoit Blanc: You dimwitted... brainless... JACKASS! Your one murder with any panache at all, and you stole the whole idea from me.

Danny Sharp: You are all gonna have the greatest story to tell at dinner tonight.

Emily: If you want to tell me what to do, put me on the fucking payroll.

Ferruccio Lamborghini: You buy a Ferrari when you want to be someone. You buy a Lamborghini when you are someone.

Cyrus: But it's not always if you hurt, but who you hurt. Nemesis always punched up. I was about your age when he died. He was my hero. Nemesis humbled the proud, gave people a beating who needed a beating. To people around here, Nemesis was a god. Samaritan, just another cop to protect the rich while the rest of us went hungry.