Character mistake: The Admiral refers to Top Gun as Maverick's final post. As Maverick is a Naval aviator, it should be referred to as his final duty station. The army uses the term post.
Suggested correction: "Post", in the Navy, is also used in the same manner as "adjourned" or "dismissed". It could be argued that the Admiral was stating this is the last duty station from which he will "post".

Character mistake: On the train Otto says a 1964 quarter is pure silver. They are actually 90% silver and 10% copper. (00:30:28)
Suggested correction: Most people wouldn't know the chemical make-up of a quarter prior to 1965. They'd just refer to it as a silver quarter, not realizing it's partially comprised of copper.

Character mistake: Lawyer Tom was in the bar when locals were speculating that Kya killed Chase. He told Kya that people in Barkley Cove call her "Marsh Girl" and "When you stand trial, you will be judged by a jury of your peers from Barkley Cove." In the courtroom, people were shouting "She's guilty" and "We all know she's guilty." The judge pounded his gavel and said, "We will now begin jury selection." Tom and/or the judge should have filed a "Motion for Change of Venue" to ensure a fair and unbiased trial. (00:10:23 - 00:29:44)

Character mistake: While discussing his squad providing air support for the Marines on the ground, Lt. Cmdr. Cevoli refers to the men as "soldiers." Marines are not called "soldiers" because they are not in the Army. It is common for a layperson to make this error but nobody in the U.S. Navy would do this.

Character mistake: After Dimitri put Leena's wrist bands on for her (through the door slot), Leena said, "I want to do something nice for you; you can come in." Dimitri agreed, and Leena pulled up a chair to stand on (to be his height) and caress his face/ hair. When Leena bent in to kiss him, she banged his head against the wall several times, killing him. As a "Saarne Instituute" security member, Dimitri should know not to get sexually involved with or trust a patient, especially the most dangerous one. (00:10:29 - 00:11:29)
Suggested correction: And yet this very thing happens in real life. There are several cases of guards getting manipulated sexually, manipulated in general, or even killed by dangerous prisoners or mental patients. A part of this has to do with some guards getting in the business believing these people are misunderstood and that they can change them. As it happens in real life, there's no reason it can't happen in a movie. Movie characters aren't above real life mistakes.

Character mistake: When Pinocchio goes outside and sees the sun for the first time, Geppetto explains, "The sun goes around the earth once a day." That is wrong. The earth revolves around the sun.

Character mistake: Doctor Bancroft mispronounces "Nobel" when reading the headlines to Michael. She pronounces as "noble." It's a famous award, especially in the field of science and someone as smart as she is suppose up be would know how to say the name.
Suggested correction: Honestly, I just rewatched the scene in question, and I really wouldn't consider that a character mistake. It's not a super egregious mispronunciation to begin with (the difference between the sound of the words is quite minor), and based on the way she speaks and the fact she has a bit of an accent, it just seems like more of a personal affectation than a character mistake.

Character mistake: At prom, when the choir girls sing "don't stop," the girl on the far right can't help staring at the camera twice.

Character mistake: We see the lead driving on the motorway to get to the cottage. She leaves at junction 6 for Princes Risborough. Which means she is on the M40 that goes to Birmingham. When she arrives the host asks about the drive down and mentions the M4. This is a different road entirely, that goes to Swansea.

Character mistake: Nolan said, "Everybody knows that no sharks swim in freshwater" and Spencer said, "They don't come into freshwater", but there are freshwater sharks (e.g, river sharks) and bull sharks (not true freshwater sharks) can survive in saltwater or freshwater. Jacob Harper (National Aquarium) pointed out eyewitness accounts of sharks swimming up the Mississippi River and "bull sharks have kidneys that recycle salt" but did not mention the glands near their tails that help keep salt in their bodies. (00:08:08 - 00:29:50)

Character mistake: Doreen/Mom told Rose she'd be back from the store "in a jiffy." Rose asked, "How long is a 'jiffy'?" and Doreen replied "in about an hour." "Jiffy" typically means VERY fast (perhaps as short as a nanosecond) and, even if people have different perceptions of how much time a "jiffy" is, an hour is excessive by general standards and does not reflect its true meaning. (00:32:50)

Character mistake: Miles is playing on the beach a tune that Birdie Jay recognizes instantly as Blackbird by the Beatles, and Miles flexes saying that it's the exact guitar Paul wrote it on. That'd be difficult though, since it's a right handed guitar, and McCartney plays left handed (albeit he can play right handed too). You could argue that this is one of the hints that Miles is not very smart. (00:20:00)