Trivia: There were actually two female special agents (including a former nun!) in the 1920s. After they resigned in 1928, then-Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover did not permit female special agents. Hoover's restriction was reversed after his death in May 1972 and three female special agents began training soon thereafter.

Trivia: It may be difficult to tell based on her acting "skills", but Mamie Gunner ("Maggie Vahn") is Meryl Streep's daughter. The lesser-known Don Gunner is Mamie's father.

Trivia: "Singularities" are infinitely dense points. When something is compressed to the point of having a volume of ZERO, its density is thought of as being infinite - in other words, a "singularity." A typical example is the inside (center) of a black hole. A huge star - that once had a large mass - was reduced to nothing, but that "nothing" has a density that is infinite. It is at a point of "no return" (an event horizon), so is not visible. BUT "naked singularities" could exist - and be visible.

Trivia: The CEO of Pal is named Mark Bowman, the same last name as David Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Trivia: Justin Long's directorial debut with his brother Christian, with whom he co-wrote the movie.