Factual error: The sisters run out of fuel for the helicopter, which is then shown slamming down on the ground and essentially destroying itself. All helicopters are capable of autorotating safely to the ground in the event the engine(s) quit. Of course, that would not have been as dramatic. (01:05:15)
Suggested correction: You may have noticed the helicopter was severely damaged, it may not have any rotating capabilities left after the fuel was gone.
I did notice it, but it did not look that any damage would prevent it from autorotation.
Perhaps the sisters (not being experienced helicopter pilots) couldn't use the autorotation properly.
OK, while that may be a possibility, if they have a helicopter pilot's license they would have had to demonstrate autorotation as part of both the curriculum and the practical exam. But listen, it's just a movie. The way they did it makes it more dramatic.

Factual error: Let's go by the movie geography; our planet is a big matrioska. By diagrams shown, this Hollow Earth would be by the Earth's core, thousands of miles deep. They enter from a portal in Antarctica. And yet, Godzilla later in the movie burns a random hole in the ground in HK deep enough to reach it, roars through it and Kong hears it, and the ape easily climbs it to poke back to the surface. Even admitting you can do the magic "1,000 miles in 2 seconds" warp anywhere, the scale is ludicrous.

Factual error: There is no way in hell they can carry $200,000,000 in cash (over 4,000lbs), let alone load it on the helicopter.
Suggested correction: They never did and it was never the idea. They simply didn't figure out it's not physically possible. They took as much as they could from the vault in the much more limited time they had, and never got any of it to the helicopter (except for 1 small stack) anyway.
It's true that the team was not meant to recover all the money, but they didn't know that going in. How did Ward and Peters, who seem reasonably smart, not consider the weight when planning the heist? The deal Ward believed was "get paid $50 million to recover $200 million" not "grab what you can and good luck"
I suppose it could be counted as a stupidity, but I'm not sure anyone is really aware of the weight of 200 million in cash, even reasonably smart people. Never seen it, never weighed it.

Factual error: Lt. Harp is told by Capt. Leo that the Lieutenant has 56,000h of UAV flying time, That is ridiculous. Even seasoned pilots of the Military Airlift Command do not have that many hours. Drone pilots can fly up to 1,800 hours a year, and Harp hasn't been flying drones for 31 years straight.

Factual error: When Jax's SUV is hit by ice it punctures the body but the windows remain intact. (00:21:26)
Suggested correction: I didn't see any ice puncture the body, certainly not any that would break any window. Later you see dents in the hood, but that doesn't mean the windows should be broken. I've had severe hail damage in real life where the body of the car was dented without any windows being cracked.
At 22:54 you will see multiple dents into the hood up to about an 1-2" deep. At 27:35 you will see multiple dents so deep that the paint is gone and the bare body is showing. Sorry, at that force the windows would at least cracked if not more.
The glass used in car windshields is about a quarter inch thick, seven times thicker than the sheet metal used in body panels. It is also about five times stronger. It wouldn't necessarily break or crack.
Well you have your view and I have mine. Cheers mate.

Factual error: Martha Kent drives away from the foreclosed property. The realtor address is "Comanche, KS 66531", but that's the zip code of Riley, in Riley County. (00:14:45)

Factual error: When Jonathan Groff picks up the .50ae, with a maximum capacity of 8 rounds, he fires more than 8 times. (00:35:00 - 00:35:45)

Factual error: During the briefing, Waller shows the map of the island of Corto Maltese. The map positions the fictional island in the Caribbean (it says "Mar Caribe"), but she says it is "off the coast of South America." The map does have also a set of precise coordinates in one of the middle quadrants; 45°43'36.0"S 56°32'58.2"W, which would place it far west of Argentina, surely nowhere near "Mar Caribe." (00:22:10)

Factual error: The Academy of Sciences Glacier is at 80° north latitude, which means the sun doesn't rise at all between Oct 21 and Feb 21. Dan visits in Dec/Jan (his suburb is still covered in Christmas decorations when he gets home) but the sun is well above the horizon in Russia. (02:07:18 - 02:07:53)

Factual error: When we see Young Shriek struggling with Young Detective Mulligan, the gunshot explodes when the weapon is pointed up and at distance from her face. Obviously a direct shot to her eye socket would have killed her, but she is blind in that eye and has a scar in two distinct parts of the socket. It's hard to imagine how a wound with that pattern could have occurred even thinking of the bullet ricocheting off the top of the trunk or something. (00:02:55)

Factual error: Some of the set props are too out-dated or obsolete to be included in a science fiction movie set in the "near future" where an android companion costs $40 million, there are various technological advances, and the "God 2.0" system has an "eternal battery life": e.g, rotary phones, old-style bulky CRT TVs, radiator wall heater, camcorder, key-start cars without navigation, old radio, wind-up alarm clock, hand potato masher, old huge headphones, stacks of books, table fan, "rabbit ear" antenna. (00:02:48 - 00:06:54)
Suggested correction: First, this is in no way a factual mistake. Second, it's only your opinion that the props are out of date or obsolete. At best, you could submit a stupidity mistake for a certain character using a specific outdated piece of technology despite having advanced technology everywhere else. I know people who play videos games on a PS5 and an original NES. Why wouldn't they play an outdated gaming system?

Factual error: Treadway used his rear tire to fling a standard sized brick into the path of the police car chasing him. The brick (which weighs between 4.5 - 6 #) not only broke through the police car's windshield, it proceeded to break through the rear window, plus apparently gained enough speed and upward curve to break through the next police car's windshield. A brick flung at an upward curve would not break through a windshield and take a linear path through the car and break the rear window, etc. (00:04:18)

Factual error: Mom tells Bee, "We have enough for shelling." The Stranger has a basket of snow peas, which he and Bee give the impression of shelling. But snow peas are eaten whole because they are harvested when the peas in the pods are still tiny and immature. (00:35:08)