Hutch Mansell: Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherfucker.

Eloise: I know what you did.
Silver Haired Gentleman: I've done a lot of things, Eloise. You're gonna have to be more specific, luv.

Tony: All my life, it's like I'm always just about to fall off the edge of the world's tallest building. I stopped falling the second I saw you.

Frank Rossi: You know why God made farts smell? So deaf people could enjoy them too.

Gaius Helen Mohiam: You've proven you can rule yourself. Now you must learn to rule others, something none of your ancestors learnt.
Paul Atreides: My father rules an entire planet.
Gaius Helen Mohiam: He's losing it.
Paul Atreides: He's getting a richer one.
Gaius Helen Mohiam: He'll lose that one too.

Kate Dibiasky: We have exactly six months, ten days, two hours, 11 minutes and 41 seconds, until a comet twice the size of Chicxulub tears through our atmosphere and extincts all life on Earth.
Dr. Randall Mindy: When did you do those calculations?
Kate Dibiasky: I put the moment of impact on a diet app. So, impact is when my diet ends. Only I'm not on a diet. I'm just crying five times a day.

Jim: I don't scare easy.

Desi Arnaz: We've been through worse than this.
Lucille Ball: We have?
Desi Arnaz: No.

Rachel Grover: Oh, Tammy Faye. You follow blindly. In the end, all you are is blind.

State Trooper: Sir, I want you to put your hands on the back of the car.
Malik Khan: Shit, there isn't no need for that.
State Trooper: I got an "easy way or a hard way" speech prepared. If you really want to hear it.

Kurt Warner: Do what you can do, till you can do what you want to do?

Nina Rosario: I want to listen to my neighborhood.

Yuri: There are people in this world who have a lot of money, and sometimes that money needs to go somewhere else then come back again.They just need to pay taxes somewhere. Investing in small business let's them cut that tax in half. You'd be surprised how many people ask if they can invest in my businesses sight unseen. "Here's the money, have it back to me by such and such a time." It's completely legal. There are people, people we know, who still think the best way to make money is get one over on the government. It's Old World thinking. (00:23:50)