Stupidity: This highly prepared organisation knows Dracula is coming, but comes armed with guns they're not prepared to use, and allow him to grab a weapon and shoot one of them. Then they give him a tablet but assign the most basic of passwords to the Wi-Fi, rather than disabling it entirely, or even just giving him a Kindle, given the only point of it was access to books. Plot-serving idiocy.

Stupidity: The super powerful Romulan commandos (no doubt with the help from the higher-ups infiltrated in the Federation) managed to touch up the footage of the fight in the roof so to remove every trace of the Romulan agents present. But Picard has been running, dodging blasts, ducking, and is knocked back by a huge explosion caught on camera and not deleted; we see it in this episode and it is unequivocally not caused by him. What is the point of going through subtly deleting every trace of the aggressors when it is transparent that something real happened and it's not all Picard's imagination? And the police simply take Picard back home from San Francisco to France without questioning him, not caring about investigating the explosion in the heart of the city involving a famous Admiral battling invisible enemies. If the conspiracy can erase anyone from the tape, why not erase Picard too, or the explosion and explain how he ended up K.O.'d differently?

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8
Stupidity: There's a gunman that just opened the school doors, and he's looking at the police like "a deer caught in the headlights" and they are all pointing their weapons at him and he's holding a gun mind you, but somehow these cops let him run back into the school without even taking a singe shot at him. His background was clear too, so if the cops fired there would've been no collateral damage if they had a shoot out. (00:35:00 - 00:35:30)