Other mistake: The van used by Cecilia to chase Tom should be damaged because of the crash, but it was not.

Other mistake: When the protagonist is making the exchange via the BMW and tries to slip the Algorithm into the passing car (himself), the window of the car is up, so there's no way he could have thrown it in. (01:19:55 - 01:33:55)

Other mistake: *Spoiler Alert* The strength of the underwater suits is wildly inconsistent. Rodrigo's suit almost immediately cracks and implodes, killing him. Paul's suit is easily ripped open by the creatures, also killing him, but Norah is repeatedly slammed into the sea floor by one of the creatures and her suit remains remarkably intact.
Suggested correction: It is stated by one of the survivors that one of the helmets was damaged. Rodrigo had the damaged one.
Actually, that's not completely accurate. She says something like "Faulty, I knew they were faulty." That also doesn't account for the fact that the creatures tore Paul right out of his suit, but couldn't seem to do the same with Norah.
His suit was faulty. He noticed a crack when he first picked it to put it on.

Other mistake: The Volvo the woman is driving has a front Oregon license plate numbered 643 ODS, but her rear license plate is 902 CSM. (00:02:55 - 00:03:45)

Other mistake: The rectangular area of skin cut from the dead deer's rear side was not wide enough (or at the correct angle) to encompass the killer's entire bloody hand print; it would have missed the "pinky" finger (and possibly the tips of the second, third, and fourth fingers). Because the fingers were spread out, a shape more like an inverted isosceles trapezoid (or a much wider rectangle) would have been necessary. (00:42:52 - 00:44:09)

Other mistake: The woman who checked into the Mercer hotel said she thought the reservation was under "Perratti." Bart initially gave her Room 109, but switched to Room 124 - where he had hidden cameras - saying the room was nicer and had French doors that gave access to the pool area. The woman's husband, expecting to meet his mistress, went to the French doors and knocked to get inside. He should have gone to the room that was initially assigned because he could not have known Bart switched to Room 124. (00:08:52 - 00:10:05)

Other mistake: As soon as Tom chops his way through the front door to commit the murders, a "flight of stairs" can be seen. These steps are obviously a prop because they are linear and vertical (are flat and go straight up to the ceiling) and the people inside (ex-wife and new boyfriend) emerge from behind the "staircase" with little space to the wall parallel to the steps. (00:03:07)

Other mistake: An aerial shot of the woods is green instead of showing Fall foliage. When they are leaving, there's just as much - if not more - green leaves on trees than when they got there and it is after Thanksgiving (late November when there should be Autumn foliage, if any, on the trees). (00:18:29 - 01:24:13)

Other mistake: Alpha was standing at an angle to the senator when he shot him in the forehead, but the bullet hole was not angled as would be expected. Alpha was also holding his gun slightly upward when aiming at the senator's forehead, but the majority of the (odd-shaped) blood splatter behind him was near the back of his neck instead of higher. All blood splatter went behind the senator, but some should have been in front. (00:21:05)

Other mistake: The opening credits show a bit of Ava's rather extravagant biography. She is involved in a DUI accident that kills two people; the news article says that it happened "early Thursday morning." What follows is a police photo labeled 06/27/95, a Saturday. Then we see the police report; not only the incident time is 10:30 PM, but the date is March 15 1999, which was a Monday. It is not separated incidents, since the police photo is then shown again, next to the "Thursday" article (and the fact described in the article is life-changing). (00:08:10)

Other mistake: Jude would not be able to write that neatly - especially that fast - while holding a floppy notebook in the air. The right half of the notebook was sagging while he wrote three perfectly lined rows ("I told you not to make him mad."). (00:46:03)

Other mistake: Rayburn pulled an arrow out of his chest - and without much blood gushing out. The rather small amount of blood on the towel and Rayburn's ability to go about business as though he had not been injured is unrealistic and absurd. (00:27:00)

Other mistake: In the opening scene where Joey is breaking into Ms. Dillard's house, he quickly smashed a window with his flashlight and immediately crawled through the window - without checking to see if shattered glass fragments were still in or around the frame. Despite his carelessness, he did not even get a cut on his hands or elsewhere, which would be almost impossible under the circumstances.

Other mistake: The woman was impaled by two stakes, one through her chest and one through her right shin. The man pulled her out of the hole from the edge at an angle to her left side. From this position, he could not have initially kept her body parallel to the ground or subsequently pulled her up at an angle without causing additional injuries or death. (00:14:33 - 00:14:55)

Other mistake: The weapon which the gunman is holding is a WWII era Nazi MP38/40 submachine gun. The weapon from the magazine housing to the end of the barrel (muzzle) is completely bent down about 25-30°. There's no way the weapon would shoot as straight as it was shooting earlier if at all. I highly doubt the firing pin/bolt can even make contact with the primer of the bullet in the magazine. The weapon looks cartoonish if anything. (00:48:30 - 00:50:00)

Other mistake: Fran is unconscious near a gas stove as Marla comes to save her. As Marla is trying to move her, Fran moves her leg even though she is supposed to be unconscious.

Other mistake: Jung-seok's nephew accidentally drops a ball which rolls away and lands in front of a nearby bed. When he walks over to get it, he realises that the man sitting on the bed has turned into a zombie. He is shown in a contorted position, with his back lifted off the ground and is heard making painful grunting noises. The other passengers in the cabin then realise there is a zombie in the room with them. It is extremely hard to believe that none of the other passengers in the cabin would have noticed this beforehand, not even by accident. This man's body was in a completely inhuman and unrealistic position, but it's not until the nephew walks up to him where people start to notice. (00:05:25)

Other mistake: The entire movie takes place during the overnight dark hours. Limited lighting from the car and flashlight somehow manage to illuminate faces, photos, signs, etc. Filming in the dark surely has its challenges, and there has to be a proper balance between lighting and ability of viewers to see what is happening. The "convenient" lighting would be a "deliberate mistake" except for one factor: A full moon (highly illuminated) is shown without radiating the light expected from a full moon. (00:26:25)

Other mistake: The scraping sound is not coming from the man "scraping" his windshield. The snow is easily brushed off and there is no icy coating below the "fluffy" snow to realistically produce the sound of scraping ice off a windshield. (00:00:35)

Other mistake: In the montage showing Mike and Marcus' parallel (but also wildly divergent) lives, Marcus asks Alexa to turn down the volume. However, the video he is watching pauses instead. In the next shot, it is paused again, but on a different frame. And before the fan goes haywire and hits the screen, the screen is already turned off (but the breaker hadn't tripped yet). (00:32:00)