Stupidity: In 300 years, in an empoverished world full of people hungry for techs, nobody ever tried to remove the ship from a small pond barely 15 feet deep, and everything inside seems intact. It is mentioned that few tried because the technology is hard to sell being unknown (which is laughable), but surely some would try to strip the ship for alloys, and certainly the lights and monitors wouldn't stay untouched in a world based on scavenging. For 300 years and so close to the city, even.

Stupidity: Denny removed a tray of chicken/capons from the oven, set it on the counter, cut off a piece from one chicken and threw it to Enzo (who caught it in his mouth). If the meat had just been removed from the oven, it would have been too hot to give to a dog and Enzo could have burned his mouth/tongue. (00:51:25)