Revealing mistake: The signal sweeps shown on the 'orca' device and on other screens throughout the movie are all identical.

Revealing mistake: In the scene with Dariush sucked away by the dust devil, he is supposedly struggling with the pull of the whirlwind as he clings to a plant, but you can see his arms bent and the bushes undisturbed. (00:53:20)

Revealing mistake: After most of the people trying to hang onto other people holding onto the ascending helicopter fell off, a downward view from the helicopter showed a man effortlessly hanging onto the landing skid and a woman just as effortlessly grasping his jacket's shoulder. (00:02:50)

Revealing mistake: Ron leans against a barrel and sets in motion a series of events leading to an explosion. For being able to tip it with such a modest push, it is obvious it was empty (confirmed also by how it bounces). (00:02:20)

Revealing mistake: After breaking Zapan's nose, Alita jumps on the table of two guys and trash talks them into a fight; before they attack, the two bottles of beer on the table are different, one being the generic red and white Cerveza, the other with a peach colored label. When she kicks the CGI bottles, those are two identical Cerveza ones. (01:01:15)

Revealing mistake: A lot of the CGI was quite good and, even if not totally realistic, was interesting and exciting to watch. However, the man supposedly rappelling (or abseiling) down the mountainside was obviously not there - his feet didn't touch the mountain. (00:36:10)

Revealing mistake: When Shaft thinks about the address of the drug supplier, he stares at a newspaper clipping on the wall. The clipping is zoomed in close for over 1 second, and it's more than enough to spot the famous words "Lorem ipsum..." at the beginning of the article, revealing the clip to be just a movie prop with the industry standard filler text jibberish. (00:27:10)

Revealing mistake: In the semi-POV shot showing Elena's face as the SUV rams into their getaway car, the passenger window is open - which would make no sense in the heated car chase with bullets flying all over the place, and is not consistent with the rest of the scene either. Just helps filming. (00:24:35)

Revealing mistake: When Tree kills herself by throwing herself out of a plane, in the shot where she lands in front of Carter and Danielle, it's very blatantly obvious she was filmed on a greenscreen and comped in. The lighting on Tree doesn't quite match the lighting of the scene, and there are very obvious and unnatural hard lines around her hair where the background was rotoscoped/keyed out.

Revealing mistake: When Phil approaches Michael's grave, water ("rain") has already accumulated only in front of the grave. When Phil is kneeling by the grave, streams of "rain" fall behind him and in front of him, but not directly on him. (00:25:03)

Revealing mistake: When the zombie crawls into the hardware store breaking through the bottom part of the barricade, you can already see on the wood plank the line where the wood is supposed to snap in half. (01:05:20)

Revealing mistake: During the interview, you can see a monitor with the lyrics of "Something", even though he is supposedly improvising.
Suggested correction: This is a deleted scene. It is in the extras on the DVD but it is not part of the movie.

Revealing mistake: There's definitely more than one cat playing "Panda", but how many can't be determined because Panda's entire body is not shown at once. "All" of them (maybe a whole litter?) have various distinctive black spots on a mostly white body. Watch for the amount of black on a cat's face and whether or not the diagonal black fur on the right side covers the entire eye or only half and if there's a black spot toward the nose. Also, look for how much black is on its side, back, behind its legs, etc.

Revealing mistake: The headlights on Hayley's car are fake (i.e, blocks of white to represent headbeams). (00:30:36)

Revealing mistake: She is driving and puts her phone down, you can see that car shifter is in park instead of drive.

Revealing mistake: The detectives start interviewing Linda and tell her they will be recording it. The detective pulls out a phone, and we see it recording. He starts talking and the waveform is moving but doesn't match when he speaks. If it were accurate we would see a peak when he talks.

Revealing mistake: The fire Steve made when he "traveled in time" back to the Ice Age was obviously fake (computer-generated). The logs were arranged like a teepee and the "fire" was contained to the inner sides - flames did not spread toward the outer edges. Moreover, the fire was built on top of snow/ice but there was no melting under or around the fire.

Revealing mistake: After successful surgery, Bruce's friend shows him the first page of a newspaper with the headline about the news, "The National Whisper." The 'date' is "November 2016", which is a bit odd (a monthly newspaper?), but even better is the fact that it just sports obvious gibberish all over. The title of the boxed article is "Geiare la goer uoa oge ou osgeou osd ogoernis pgoer aoubepre obieri ai beiragoer." (00:17:15)

Revealing mistake: The camera holds on a close-up of the article featuring the 'Female President of the Network' Caroline Morton for 3-4 seconds, long enough to allow to quickly browse the text and easily see that it's a generic article about women in workplaces used as filler text and not the interview Katherine is reading. (00:03:25)

Revealing mistake: Although the background scenery in the basement (behind the judge and Ron) changes with camera views, what is shown rarely (if ever) corresponds to the correct size and angle/location that would be expected. For example, the file cabinet in the corner behind Judge Straight shows up in different places, some very close to him and others at a distance; its size is not proportionate. Sometimes, the brick wall is directly behind the judge but to the right (of the screen) at other times. (00:03:28 - 00:11:29)