Best drama movie other mistakes of 2018

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Dark Was the Night picture

Other mistake: There was no nameplate on the judge's desk; there should have been some type of nameplate stating something to the effect: "Honorable Judge ____ Ross." The judge did not receive his due respect. Perhaps it is not surprising that wardrobe thought it was acceptable for Marcus' friend Seamus to wear faded jeans with ripped knees to court. Many judges will tell inappropriately-dressed people to leave the courtroom.


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Backtrace picture

Other mistake: During the bank robbers' drive to the meeting spot, the background was blurred, but it is obvious the green color was from the tree leaves. As they got closer and arrived, the numerous trees were bare of leaves - only branches could be seen. The apparent attempt to have all trees appear to be bare (and consistent) was all for naught - It was April 8th in Georgia where the trees would have already blossomed. (00:02:24)


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The Mule picture

Other mistake: When Earl is walking toward his seat in the auditorium's third row at the "Glam Cosmetology Graduation", up to four seats can be seen in rows #2 and #3, but five seated graduates can be seen in row #1. Row #1 is closer to the camera than the other rows, so four or fewer graduates should be visible in row #1, not five. (01:07:20)


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Dumplin' picture

Other mistake: Willowdean is disqualified for not having her talent costume approved - but the girl who gets 2nd runner-up [Millie) is also wearing a different costume than the one she had approved, and she is not disqualified.

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Mirage picture

Other mistake: When Vera returns to her house, a calendar with 2017 listed as the year can be seen on the wall. The present-day scenes take place in 2014, so there shouldn't be any reason for anyone to have a 2017 calendar. (00:56:55)

Casual Person

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Peppermint picture

Other mistake: At the very beginning when Riley shots the dude in the head, the blood comes out but the bullet does not break the glass.


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