Bianca Lind: If you let us go, we might live. If the police don't interfere, nobody will get hurt and we will survive. You can save our lives.
Olof Palme: And the best way to do that is not to let them out on the roads with you.
Bianca Lind: But we are willing to take that risk.
Olof Palme: I wish that would make a difference, but, as Prime Minister, I'm responsible for all the Swedish people.
Bianca Lind: Exactly. But all the Swedish people are not in here, we are trapped in here. We.
Harold Soyinka: What kind of a person does not believe in God? (01:23:50)
Earl Stone: Are you sure you're Mexican? You're acting like you're under The Fuhrer or something.
Lucas Hill: My wife and I are old friends. And sometimes, with an old friend, you learn to squint away certain things, things you'd maybe rather not see.
Katya: Is it just her doing this, not-seeing, or you too?
Lucas Hill: The thing about squinting, you can never be certain what you might not be seeing.
Jack Mulligan: What I've learned from men like my father and your husband is that you reap what you sow.
Veronica: Let's hope so.