Trivia: When Max insults Will Arnett by calling him a spinning Lego Man, it is an homage to Will's role as Batman in the Lego movies.

Trivia: The American and international versions of the film have different opening sequences. In the American version, Holmes and Watson meet in school. In the international version, Holmes (accidentally) saves Watson from committing suicide.

Trivia: Will Friedle of Boy Meets World fame wrote a script similar to this film and sold it to Disney around 1997. They opted not to make the film. By the time this film was made, there were so many story revisions that Friedle could not get a story credit. A representative from the Writer's Guild of America even tried to intervene on his behalf, but Disney's rep claimed his script was completely different.

Trivia: Even though Morgan Freeman is top billed, he has only six minutes of screen time.