Factual error: Throughout the "Manhattan" race scenes, it is obvious that the location is nowhere near New York. The wide two-way streets, west coast-style traffic signals, street furniture, and architecture look nothing like Manhattan.

Factual error: How would the creature be able to re-enter the ship by climbing into the reactor piping? The reactor fuel system is not open to the living space of the International Space Station.

Factual error: The lady hacked a tablet with he command mkdir -p on the command prompt. mkdir command is used to make a folder. (01:00:00)

Factual error: When Xander Cage is chasing Xiang on the dirt bikes, he lets his bike get entirely submerged, which would flood the engine.

Factual error: In the first frontal shot of Percival's Porsche following Lorraine, virtually every car parked at the side of the road is from after 1989, one of them not even being on sale until 2007. (00:16:10)

Factual error: The entire NYC subway platform/subway knife fight between John Wick and Cassian appears to have been filmed in the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) system that goes between NYC and NJ rather than the Mass Transit Authority (MTA) subway system (you can actually see the PATH logo on the exterior of the train cars). The PATH does not go to any of the subway stations announced on the public address system during the knife fight. (01:18:45 - 01:22:50)

Factual error: Throughout the whole movie, whenever federal agents (or people posing as such...) tasked with the case are shown, they wear uniforms with "U.S.A. Marshals" written in big yellow letters. Of course the one and only correct spelling would be "U.S. Marshal"

Factual error: In a picture from the UN headquarters in New York in the year 2003 you see two German flags. The German Democrativ Republic hasn't existed since 1990. (01:16:04)

Factual error: The American flag displayed when Churchill arrives at the big house to meet Eisenhower has a modern day configuration of 50 stars, not 48 as it was at the time.

Factual error: Mr. Butler called the school that Lucas previously attended and was able to acquire contact information for a former teacher (who longer worked at that school). This type of information is not given out.

Factual error: Sister Charlotte listens to Janice's confession. Only a priest is allowed by the church to hear confessions.

Factual error: When the astronaut is being questioned by a 3-star general, he keeps referring to the officer as "colonel", in fact the closed captioning does the same.

Factual error: Following the blowout, Sara's phone is shown several times as being connected to Wi-Fi with a full Wi-Fi signal. Being in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills, it's highly unlikely there would be a public Wi-Fi connection for her to connect to.

Factual error: One of the deaths involves a burning candle, a car and a leaking fuel tank, resulting in an explosion. This wouldn't happen. Multiple independent test evidence that petrol/gasoline can't be ignited this way, a flame isn't hot enough. Only the fumes can be ignited, which isn't what happens here, and the tank wouldn't explode anyway.

Factual error: When the bank robbers pull the money out of the vault, they claim all the cash is from 1982. Yet most of the bills have large faces, which was introduced into rotation in 1996.

Factual error: No matter how sophisticated the STEM chip is, it would not enable Grey (Logan Marshall-Green) to go from a completely horizontal position to a completely vertical position in one fluid motion, without bending his knees, and he does this several times in the film.

Factual error: The accident takes place the night of July 18, 1969, and they show there being a full moon. That night the moon was actually waxing crescent with only 14% visible, and set at 10:27pm while the accident happened about 12:45am, so there was no moon in the sky anyway.

Factual error: When they get into Dr. Jame's lock box in the vault, inside is a camera. They turn it on and the video starts to play... despite the fact that it's been inside a vault without a battery charger for 13 years. (01:19:45)

Factual error: For a movie about the Amazon Basin, it is too bad they pictured many birds from the zoo or computer generated "who knows what." They used a Great Hornbill and African vultures (griffons or white backed vultures) - not South American. They also used computer generated white birds flying over River in "V." Could have been a flock of Cattle Egrets, but just was not right for them.

Factual error: The opening shot is of a somewhat long and quite high bridge with an equally high waterfall behind it. After a couple views of the surroundings, Henry and Peter are standing in the middle (portion) of a stone barricade/wall (extension of the bridge?) with a huge lake behind it, waiting for the school bus. There's absolutely no legitimate or rational reason for such a location to be a school bus stop! School bus stops always have safety in mind, and this bus stop is anything but safe. (00:02:32)