Trivia: When Lorraine jumps out of the window using the hose the policeman at the other end lets out a "Wilhelm scream" just as he is dragged across the floor.
Trivia: The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and was brought down in 1989, 28 years later. This film was released 28 years after that.
Trivia: Charlize Theron cracked three teeth whilst filming the fight scenes.

Trivia: In "Split", James McAvoy was filming a scene with the multiple personalities talking amongst each other, and he punched a door that broke his knuckle. Atomic Blonde was filmed right after Split, which is why he has a cast on his arm as the director decided to work the real life injury into the film. McAvoy has said "It was fun actually, getting to use a plaster cast to smash people's faces."