Corrected entry: A character uses a remote control to turn off the TV, which did not exist in the 60s.

Corrected entry: At Piggy Island, when Boomerang Bird is launched, he doesn't open his beak when returning.
Correction: Hal only opens his mouth when boomeranging in the mobile games. Just because he does there doesn't mean he does in the movie.

Corrected entry: The Heptapods, it is learned late in the film, have a totally different perception of time. The Heptapods see the past, present and future simultaneously (Heptapods can see at least 3000 years in the future). Only late in the film does Louise realise that learning the Heptapod language has changed the way she thinks; and she, too, starts to perceive the future (even using information from the future to stop a war in the present). Major problem. If the Heptapods can perceive the future like this, then they should already be able to communicate in human languages rather easily, having already seen first contact and 3000 years thereafter, which negates about 90% of the plot of this film.
Correction: The Hetapods' understanding of human language is not relevant because the entire point of communicating the way they did was designed to force human beings to overcome their tribal political and social differences so that they could be a united world capable of provide help in the future. The only way to achieve that was to have complicated interactions with each leading nation that led to conflict. That conflict was put aside when Dr. Louise Banks convinces the USA to provide Russia and other nations the "weapon" of the Hetapod language. Giving the language over was a peaceful gesture of friendship and unity. Lastly, the Hetapods can only operate in a manner consistent with the future they see because if you know the future, you must act in a manner consistent with how it unfolds. If you don't, you can alter the future. This is why the Hetapods do not stop the explosion that kills one of them. They already know this is going to happen, and to stop it would alter the future.
Why can't they alter the future? What's the point of knowing the future if you're not going to act on your knowledge to change the bad thing ahead? They acted on their knowledge of something bad happening in 3,000 years and decided to communicate with humans to help them, so they did alter the future.

Corrected entry: The Turtles are afraid about getting shot by the cops in this movie. But in the previous movie, they found out that they were bulletproof when they were shot by the Foot Clan.
Correction: Still, being shot at is an unpleasant experience, and they may have vulnerable areas on their bodies, such as their eyes.

Corrected entry: TeKa is revealed to be TeFiti. The space where she slept as an island is a huge pit in the ocean. TeKa can't touch the water, but somehow managed to travel from her resting place to the barrier islands surrounding it where she's been trapped for 1,000 years.
Correction: When TeKa transformed back into TeFiti, she did it slowly. It's possible the original transformation was slow enough that TeFiti got to the barrier island before transforming into TeKa. The ocean could also have split like it did, allowing TeKa to attempt to catch Maui before he got away.

Corrected entry: Considering Alice loses several fingers at the end it seems unlikely she could've ridden a motorcycle or used a weapon.
Correction: How is this a mistake? This is just pure (false) speculation on the part of the submitter. Just because she lost a few fingers doesn't mean she can't ride a motorcycle. I've seen people using them with only one arm! And she is still very capable of using weapons. She still has another hand, plus she didn't even lose all her fingers, so she could still use that hand for certain things.
Okay my bad. I meant to write she loses several fingers but is shown as having them all while riding away at the end. This would be a visible mistake. It was late night, I wasn't thinking properly. Thank you.

Corrected entry: How did Jack know to show up on his motorbike when Bridget wasn't going to hospital?
Correction: Mark tells Gianni to call Jack. Gianni surely knows the route B and M take to the hospital.

Corrected entry: When Charles and Erik are talking at the end outside Mystique's class, Charles is wearing a burgundy tie. In the next shot of him, he's now wearing a black tie.
Correction: The tie we see is burgundy with black used for the design. In the next shot, it's still the same tie.

Corrected entry: On a certain date in 2016, Jake enters Peregrine's Loop on September 3rd, 1943 where her children relive the same day over and over and all non-peculiars are completely unaware of the Loop. When the Loop closes and it becomes September 4th, 1943, the children, without re-entering 2016, travel by steamliner to London and enter a Loop set in a date six months prior to the date from which Jake entered Peregrine's 1943 Loop. The trouble is, this Loop did not exist in 1943, so it should have been inaccessible to the children.
Correction: The loops are accessible to any peculiars if it has been made. It doesn't matter the time period they enter it from.

Corrected entry: Robert Langdon finds a tube in his pocket. The problem is that he is searching another guy's jacket that the girl gave him. His own jacket was tweed. She also says that she is washing his clothes, but they both left the hospital in a hurry without any clothes.
Correction: When they leave the hospital room you see her grab his bag of clothes that is in a plastic bag on the chair. Later in her apartment he says "look what I found in my jacket" and shows the tube.

Corrected entry: The whale shark keeps bumping into nearby things, claiming she is nearsighted. She is actually farsighted (able to see at a distance). Nearsighted would indicate she can see nearby objects.
Correction: Destiny IS nearsighted. She can't see the objects that are far away until they're very close which is why she bumps into them.

Corrected entry: The British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon accident was erroneously characterized by environmental activists, by some U.S. politicians, by the press and by this film as the "worst" manmade oil spill in history. It was not. The Pemex Ixtoc 1 disaster off the Yucatan peninsula in 1979 was far worse, lasted much longer, and received almost zero press in the United States, even though it impacted virtually every coastline in the Gulf of Mexico for over a year. The Deepwater Horizon spill was hyped far above and beyond its comparatively minor environmental impact for purely political reasons (i.e., it was used to fuel opposition to offshore drilling).
Correction: It's hard to analyze "worst oil spill" because there's so many factors involved beyond how long it lasted, including death and injuries that occurred. However, the 1979 event resulted in 140 million gallons spilt and the Deepwater Horizon spilt an estimated 206 million gallons and resulted in 11 deaths.
The Ixtoc 1 is still considered the worst accidental oil spill in history. Ixtoc 1 remained uncapped and freely flowing for 9 months, releasing over 3.5 Million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. That's barrels, not gallons. The only larger spill was in Kuwait, when Iraqi forces deliberately destroyed oil wells in that country, releasing 8 Million barrels of oil into the Persian Gulf. However, Kuwait is considered an "intentional" oil spill, not accidental.
Ixtoc 1 is only considered one of the worst spills, but not the number 1 worst spill. Deepwater Horizon released 4.9 Million Barrels (which is 40% more oil) and resulted in 11 deaths. Yes, Ixtoc 1 took 9 months to cap where Deepwater Horizon took only 5 months to cap, but the amount split was still less than Deepwater Horizon.
But Ixtoc was not a deep well, and its spillage was carried across the entire surface of the Gulf of Mexico for 9 months. The Deepwater Horizon was an extremely deep well, and much of its spillage remained in vast pools on the ocean floor, where it gradually degraded (yes, under extreme pressure and low temperature, crude oil will sink rather than rise to the surface). That fact also makes it impossible to estimate the total spillage of Deepwater Horizon. Nonetheless, some Deepwater Horizon spillage did rise to the surface, but not even nearly as much as the Ixtoc 1. Deepwater Horizon's environmental impact was negligible compared to Ixtoc 1; but, as stated in the original post, Deepwater Horizon was hyped and sensationalized in the press for political purposes.

Corrected entry: In the beginning they show an Illinois license plate with OPA! on the plate. There are no punctuation marks on Illinois license plates.
Correction: The front plate seen isn't state issued. It's a novelty plate he put on the front. While it would be illegal for him to drive without a state-issued front plate, there isn't anything otherwise preventing him from having a novelty plate on and cops probably wouldn't harass him about it. I drove my last car for 10 years without a front plate in a state that required it and never got a ticket for it, even when I was pulled over for speeding and the cop told me I had to have one.
Correction: They could have gotten one that says "OPAI" and just used a little paint to touch up the I into an exclamation point. Probably illegal, but doable.
After reviewing the scene, there's no possible way it was done with just some paint (nor is it possible in real life to do). Illinois license plates don't use any letters or numbers that resemble a lowercase "l."

Corrected entry: Old man hums "I love you", the Barney song, released in 1998. Movie takes place in 1977.
Correction: The tune is the same as that from "This Old Man", an older song. Http://barney.wikia.com/wiki/This_Old_Man.

Corrected entry: During the fight in Dana's bathroom the Accountant does a tactical reload of his handgun after firing it. A tactical reload is a tactic to exchange a partial loaded magazine with a full magazine. The magazine that should have been the partial loaded from the weapon is empty in the accountant's hand. A trained person would have known the magazine in the weapon was empty and wouldn't have done a tactical reload. Plus, the slide on the weapon would have locked back indicating the magazine in the weapon was empty, not requiring a tactical reload.
Correction: A tactical reload is to keep the magazine; either because it has some ammo, or in this case to not leave forensic evidence behind. The slide only locks back when it tries to chamber a round from an empty magazine; when it chambers the last round (he knows, because he counted), it closes as normal.

Corrected entry: When Strange receives a call in his car his friend says something about a military guy who's broken his back in experimental armour. That's a reference to War Machine's injury from the earlier movie Captain America: Civil War.
Correction: Director Scott Derrickson has said that it is not War Machine that this scene is referring to. It specifically says the suit of armor was experimental, whereas the War Machine armor is fully operational. If anything it's referring to the Hammer Tech suits of armor that were shown in Tony Stark's Congressional hearing scene from "Iron Man 2", but even that is debatable.

Corrected entry: When Laina is fighting the guard and Blake saves her, he calls her Lauren. (00:44:50)
Correction: Blake does call her Lauren, but because he's not sure of her name. She then corrects him and says "It's Laina."

Corrected entry: Amy says in the film she's now 32, and mentioned she had her first kid at 20. This means now her oldest should be 12, but her daughter is mentioned as being 12 and she is shorter and looks younger than her brother (who looks at least 13 or 14). The ages don't appear to match the storyline.
Correction: At the time of filming, Oona Laurence (who plays the daughter) was 13 years old. Emjay Anthony (who plays the younger brother) was 12. Given that she's only a year older than her character and the fact that Emjay is most definitely younger in real life means there's no plot hole.

Corrected entry: After the shark dies when Nancy shoots it, it leaves no bullet holes or blood sticking out.
Correction: Nancy isn't firing bullets at the shark, she's shooting flares. They don't leave bullet holes. Also, she doesn't kill the shark by shooting it; she kills it by making it impale itself on the sharp metal rebars sticking up from the buoy's anchor. And when this happens, the shark does indeed bleed.

Corrected entry: The girl with the puffs shouldn't be allowed to try and steal the candy bar at the beginning of the movie. The purge is the only time where crime is legal and it wasn't purge time yet, so theft wouldn't have been legal.
Correction: It wasn't legal, she had to give it back, that's the whole reason she came back when the purge had started, to get her candy bar.
Correction: The first TV remote was invented in the 50s, with a few different models emerging.