Factual error: Their 'spot' for drinking is apparently in the French Quarter because of the street signs. That said, they are drinking Budvar beer. If you know about Budvar, it is the original Budweiser beer from the Czech Republic. Budweiser sued Budvar and won, preventing them from using the name 'Budweiser', even though Adolph Busch came up with 'Budweiser' after going to Pilsner, Czechoslovakia. Budweiser being the bully, and their lawyers and all, won the lawsuit. So now the beer is sold as 'Czechvar' in the US and 'Budvar' everywhere else, meaning they couldn't be drinking it in the USA.

Factual error: In the big battle scene at the Home Mart store after Robert turns the power off to the building, you see Robert grabbing welding canisters. When Robert has Ralphie turn the power back on, it cuts to one of the bad guys in the break-room, and a digital microwave starts counting down. A digital microwave could not have any memory of any prior cook settings, let alone any way to set it, since the power was already out. (01:55:40 - 01:56:35)

Factual error: Jack Ryan takes the enlisted oath, not the officer's oath, when commissioned into the Marines. (00:02:35)

Factual error: When Laura Barns is counting down the final time and each number show up as a notification in the upper right hand corner, they should also show up under the Skype chat but instead, Laura's previous message remains.

Factual error: When TCAS sounds on an airliner, it should include instructions for the pilot to climb or descend. The pilot should not have to call another plane to inform that pilot. It would take too much time.

Factual error: The detective played by Rory Kinnear is shown in 1951 typing a request for Alan Turing's military records. He changes a name with correcting fluid - unknown in the UK in 1951.

Factual error: When Koba steals an Armored Security Vehicle class M1117A Guardian, he kills the gunner from the turret and then somehow manages to use the 240B attached to the turret. First, it takes three men/apes to operate the ASV, and second, the ASV cannot be operated from the turret. In that scene, it is assumed that Koba is operating the entire vehicle, something most humans cannot do or do not know how to do. Let alone a 240B, MK19, or .50 Cal M2 Browning. The ASV turned in the direction of the wall, which was the only way that the Apes were able to breach the city walls. This is also kind of an important plot hole blunder too because if it were not for the breach from the ASV, the Apes would not have won. The other blunder from this is that the gunner would not have been exposed from the hatch, since the ASV was using .50Cal and MK19. No need to use the 240B.

Factual error: SPOILER: Amy Dunne returns covered with blood. After being at the hospital, and in the interview/questioning, she is still covered with blood. After being medically examined, she would have been washed clean, not just dressed over all the mess. But it gets worse; when returning to Nick in their house, she has a crisp hospital garment, but is still covered in blood! And it gets even worse; when they are in the shower, the blood on her body, which by now would have been at least a day old, would have been dried, caked and brownish color, but what she washes off is very fresh.

Factual error: What kind of small American town has an airport that has 6 jumbo jets sitting on the runway? I mean, I think Dallas is the closest airport in the region that would have 4 engine 747s at the ready. Topeka, Oklahoma city, etc. commercial airports could barely handle one 747, let alone 5-6.

Factual error: During the decompression the plastic water bottles crush. The opposite should happen, as a decrease in external pressure would cause the bottles to expand.

Factual error: During the final fight, Liam Neeson jumps down an aisle to pick up the pistol that is hurled from the floor upwards in the air and shoots the villain in the head. The problem here is with physics. The plane was in radical descent moments before. The pilot eventually brings up the nose. At that moment, the gun and Liam Neeson himself would have been pinned to the floor.

Factual error: They find an old video camera from their dad, but that camera is already 10 years old. And the battery just works?

Factual error: The corpse's head in the cafe changes position between shots. (00:34:00 - 00:35:00)

Factual error: Writer/director Adam MacDonald boasted that he studied black bear predatory behavior and black bear attacks on humans for years in preparation for making this film, because he wanted to depict a black bear attack in as factual and as authentic a manner as possible. But, at the most crucial point in this film (when the black bear actually does attack Alex and Jenn), factual accuracy goes out the window. As Alex and Jenn cower in terror, the bear lunges into their tent and bites into Alex's leg; whereupon, Jenn fires a can of bear spray (a stifling pepper-based chemical) point-blank into the animal's face. The startled bear retreats for a moment, but then lunges into the tent again, dragging Alex outside and killing him; thereafter, the bear continues pursuing Jenn for the remainder of the film. However, according to years of extensive study by the University of Calgary, no bear has ever attacked a human after the animal was sprayed with bear spray, much less resumed an attack, as depicted in this film. To date, the success rate of defensive bear spray is 100%. So, the factual accuracy of "Backcountry" was abandoned for the sake of cheap thrills.

Factual error: When they're all on the 7 it makes an emergency stop at the 96 Street station, but that's impossible since that line only travels cross town along 42 Street, it doesn't go uptown to 96th.

Factual error: The picture of the bomb switch shows an Arduino Pro Mini. The Arduino Pro Mini was released in 2008, not in 1975. (01:21:20)
Suggested correction: SPOILERS: The ending of the film reveals that the Fizzle Bomber is an older version of the Agent, who still has a functioning time machine. This simply shows that he is using parts from the future for his bombs.

Factual error: Scarlett and George use the Rose Key to translate the inscription on the back of Flamel's ancient tombstone, and it translates into a rhyming English lyric puzzle. Problem is, they are translating this lyric puzzle from Aramaic (an ancient and virtually dead Middle Eastern language) to modern English. Aramaic would not and could not translate into rhyming modern English.

Factual error: In a scene where Kat is flying to or from Northern California for college, in the background through the window on the plane one can see a commercial jet which has the winglets of a narrow-body Boeing, which were not introduced until 1998 on the Boeing 737 NextGen, rather than "wingtip fences" of an Airbus which were in use as early as 1985. Eve disappeared in 1988 when Kat was 17, so this would have been 1993 at the latest, when Kat would have been expected to have graduated from Berkeley. In the movie, it is suggested that this was just 2 years after her mother disappeared, so this would have been not later than 1990-91.

Factual error: When they torch the car by the docks, supposed to be about 15 years in the past, there is a US Navy Independence-class ship in the background, but the first of these was only launched in 2008, at least 9 years after the scene was supposed to depict. (00:35:00)

Factual error: Ryan Reynolds has an entire trailer of evergreen trees that he is going to plant in the middle of the winter. No landscaper would plant trees at this time because the ground is frozen, and if planted they would die.